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LGBTQ+ Webinars
Webinars & CLE programs
LGBTQ+ Webinars sponsored/co-sponsored by the SOGI Commission. Links to watch videos of webinar programs on this page.
Emerging Legal Recognition for Multi-Partner Relationships and Families
Diverse relationship statuses are on the rise and gaining social acceptance in the United States—including consensual non-monogamy (CNM) and other family structures not protected by existing family law or policy. For many people, relationships with multiple partners are an enduring element of their family lives. Recently, some localities have passed ordinances allowing for multi-partner domestic partnerships. This webinar will introduce attendees to the emerging legislation and to advocacy efforts to update existing law to a) recognize multi-partner families and b) protect multi-partner families from discrimination.
Visit webinar page for details, resources, and video recording.
Location, Location, Location: Fairness and Access in Conference Site Selection
Choosing a location for your in-person meeting is an extremely important decision and many factors play in to where and why an entity chooses to hold its meeting in a particular city/state. There has been increasing discussion on the issue of whether to hold in-person meetings in cities & states that have laws that discriminate against an identifiable population or individuals.
Video and more here.
Welcoming our Transgender Colleagues in the Law
As transgender lawyers increasingly join our profession, lawyers are more likely to interact with them at their offices, in courthouses, and at bar events. How can we move past tolerance toward understanding so that we can meet our obligations of civility and professionalism, "the hallmarks of a learned profession dedicated to public service".
Video and more here.
DD214 Corrections for LGBTQ+ Veterans: Discharge Upgrades, Records Corrections, and Name Changes
With the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (DADT) and the military transgender ban, there have been some developments with the Department of Defense's military records correction boards policies toward LGBTQ+ veterans. In partnership with Swords to Plowshares.
Video and more information here.
Troubled Teen Industry | Webinar Series
Multi-series webinar program hosted by the ABA about the Troubled Teen Industry (TTI), which is a network of private youth programs, therapeutic boarding schools, residential treatment centers, religious academies, wilderness programs and drug rehabilitation centers. This industry has thrived for decades despite constant allegations of child abuse, neglect, dangerous treatment practices, and negligence resulting in death. Panelists address the current issues and our progress towards reform.
Video and more information here.
Allyship to Trans People in the Legal Profession
Combatting LGBT Implicit Bias in the Legal Profession
Sexual Orientation: The Legal Case for Coverage Under Title VII
Title VII US Supreme Court Decision: A Discussion and Analysis
A CRSJ webinar co-sponsored by the SOGI Commission
* Please note that you must be an ABA Member to access this webinar
- To watch this webinar, visit the CRSJ webinar page here.
Current State of LGBT Law under the Trump Administration
CLE program about the advances and setbacks to LGBT laws and the effect they have had on individuals and the country. A panel of top LGBT legal experts discuss transgender issues that include the military ban, public accommodations, and inmate rights.
Watch video of this CLE program here.