LGBTQ Attorneys The Gay/Trans Panic Defense The gay/trans panic legal defense legitimizes and excuses violent and lethal behavior against members of the LGBTQ+ community.
Diversity & Inclusion Reflecting on the Last Three Years: An Interview with Three Outgoing Commissioners Getting to know SOGI Commissioners Meg Milroy, Shannon Minter, & Ghenete Wright Muir.
LGBTQ Attorneys Bias-Motivated Violence Based on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, or Gender Expression Acts of violence based on sexual orientation or gender identity are on the rise throughout the world
Diversity & Inclusion The Impact of Incarceration and Policing in Our Community Discriminatory police profiling contributes to the disparity. Policing in the U.S. is not neutral. While this issue has been a focus for many communities of color, it is important to understand how it impacts the LGBTQ2I community as well.
LGBTQ Attorneys ABA Conversion Therapy Legislative Guide The ABA develops guide for drafting laws to ban conversion therapy for LGBTQ minors
Diversity & Inclusion Another Successful LGBT Forum The ABA’s Section of Litigation held is second biannual LGBT+ forum on April 30th & May 1st in Manhattan.
Diversity & Inclusion SOGI Updates The SOGI Commission would like to congratulate former commissioner Shane Vannatta, who was sworn in as the newest Fourth Judicial District Judge of Montana on February 22, 2019.