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DEI Success Toolkit

Metrics and Assessments


  • Appropriately collect, track, manage and utilize DEI data to increase organizational awareness of the performance of DEI programs. In addition, measure the outcomes of hiring, retention and promotion practices, as well as specific diversity initiatives, and periodically assess such data to identify and better understand patterns, gaps and opportunities for improvement.
  • Consider factors that impact employee career trajectories at their company, and how those factors may create a greater hurdle for underrepresented minorities. Examples include:
  1. How salaries and other financial incentives are structured;
  2. For client service firms, how underrepresented minorities and women may be impacted by a client or firm’s desire to have a diverse team participate in a pitch or other nonbillable assignment;
  3. The types of social and business development activities that are available and encouraged;
  4. How parental leave is handled;
  5. How fertility and family-planning challenges are handled and/or acknowledged; and
  6. The extent to which flexible and reduced-hour work schedules are permitted and supported.

How to Use

Collecting and assessing data is an essential component of your efforts toward creating a more inclusive and equitable workplace. By systematically evaluating demographic data, organizational culture, policies, and client engagement, you can identify areas for improvement and implement targeted strategies. Based on the data and the assessment results, the next step is to create a comprehensive action plan to address the DEI issues identified. Share the findings of the DEI assessments to all employees, along with the action plan. Establish a feedback loop where findings are used to refine policies, practices, and programs on an ongoing basis. By regularly evaluating the impact of your DEI initiatives, you can adjust your strategies, when necessary, as well as maintain momentum and engagement.


This tool focuses on the collection and assessment of data in the DEI context. It defines the terms “metrics” and “assessments” in the DEI context; discusses why we need metrics and assessments; addresses some trends regarding data collection post-SFFA; recommends what metrics law firms and corporations should collect; and provides some articles on the topic.
