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Implicit Bias Videos and Toolkit

The Diversity and Inclusion 360 Commission, a one-year presidential initiative established by past President Paulette Brown, explored the existence of implicit bias and what can be done to combat it through a series of videos specifically targeting key players in the judicial system: judges, prosecutors and public defenders.  The videos are accompanied by a toolkit that offers additional resources and materials that can be used in training programs for those groups of professionals.

To download the resources below, please right-click on the link and click "Save link as" or "Save target as".

Hidden Injustice

The Prosecutor's Paradox

Toward a Better Defense

Bias on the Bench

If you will be showing one of these videos at a program, please email Selina Thomas at [email protected] to let us know when and where you will be showing it so we can track usage.


More ABA Resources on Implicit Bias