ABA Legal Profession Statistics
Current statistical data has been gathered to assist with research on lawyers and the legal profession.
Report aggregating best available statistics and trends, including demographics, in the legal profession.
Click Here To - Learn MoreView the ABA National Lawyer Population Survey, with a 10-Year Trend in Lawyer Demographics (2022).
Current statistical data has been gathered to assist with research on lawyers and the legal profession.
The National Association for Law Placement's 2022 Diversity Report is now available! Check out this year's report to see recent data on diversity in the profession (includes data on ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, and more).
Lawyers who either identify as having disabilities or who identify as LGBTQ+ report experiencing both subtle and overt forms of discrimination at their workplaces, with common reports of subtle but unintentional biases.
Individual law school reports and national compilation spreadsheets on 509 Required Disclosures and Graduate Employment Data as well as individual law school PDF reports on Bar Passage.
Reports providing aggregate diversity data for hundreds of law firms participating in the ABA Model Diversity Survey, including data on demographics, hiring, promotions, leadership, compensation, attrition etc.
Bias Interrupters Project - You Can't Change What You Can't See: Interrupting Racial and Gender Bias in the Legal Profession.
These reports are released every year to monitor the ABA's progress in promoting full and equal participation in the Association, through profiling the demographics of its membership and leaders.