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ABA Wide 21-Day Hispanic Heritage Equity Habit Building Challenge ©

"Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world. When you have a conflict, that means that there are truths that have to be addressed on each side of the conflict." 
-  Dolores Huerta

The ABA Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Council is proud to launch a 21-Day Hispanic Heritage Equity Habit Building Challenge syllabus in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month. This Challenge is modeled after the “21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge©,” which was conceived several years ago by diversity expert Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. to advance deeper understandings of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy, and oppression.  We are grateful to Dr. Moore for publicly sharing and encouraging others to use this 21-day framework as an educational tool, including to advance learning across myriad diverse communities.

We invite ABA members and non-members to participate in this Equity Habit-Building Challenge.  This Challenge is the third ABA Challenge following the syllabus created to commemorate Black History Month in February 2021 and Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May 2021. That first ABA-wide Challenge followed the followed the 21-Day 21-Day Challenge syllabus launched by the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law last year.

The Goal of the Challenge

The goal of the Challenge is to assist each of us to become more aware, compassionate, constructive, engaged people in the quest for equity, and specifically to learn more about the Hispanic Heritage, and many communities included under the "Hispanic umbrella."  It transcends our roles as lawyers. Non-lawyers are also welcome to participate.

How it Works

It is, of course, completely voluntary to do, and participation in the Challenge shall not be construed as agreement with every word of every assignment nor a commitment by any person to a particular professional position or strategy. Further, participants are free to opt-out of participating along the way. There is no grade at the end of the Challenge. While it is not the intention of the Challenge to cause offense, some participants may be offended by some language or images used in the lessons.

The Challenge invites participants to complete a syllabus of 21 daily, short assignments (typically taking 15-30 minutes), over 21 consecutive days, that includes readings, videos, or podcasts. The assignments seek to expose participants to perspectives on elements of Hispanic histories, identities, and cultures. This Challenges cannot possibly highlight all of the diversity of experiences and opinions within the Hispanic community itself, much less substitute for learnings about any other community. This syllabus is but an introduction to what we hope will be a rewarding journey that extends far beyond the limits of this project.

Access the Syllabus

See a day-by-day breakdown of the Syllabus below, or you can access the full syllabus, including reflection/discussion questions, additional links from ABA entities, and ABA entity-recommended resources at this link.

21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is the registered copyright of America & Moore, LLC. 2014.  

Sign Up to Join the Challenge!

  • If you would like to pledge to join the Challenge, click here.  (ABA affiliation is not required to participate). 

Come back regularly to check new discussion questions and Additional Resources! 

Use navigation bar to go directly to each challenge day. 

Day 1 | What is Hispanic Heritage Month?

How, Who, When 

Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America.

The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover a 30-day period starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988, on the approval of Public Law 100-402.

The day of September 15 is significant because it is the anniversary of independence for Latin American countries Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. In addition, Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence days on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Also, Columbus Day or Día de la Raza, which is October 12, falls within this 30 day period.

The Official National Hispanic Heritage Page

Day 2 |  Our Identity: Hispanic or Latino/x

Day 3 |  What are the different populations in the Hispanic Community

Day 4 |  The Beautiful Spanish Language

Day 5 |  Faith in the Hispanic Community

Day 6 |  Labor Movement

Day 7 |  Education

Day 8 |  Health and Social Welfare

Day 9 |  Civil Rights

Day 10 |  Voting Rights

Day 11 |  Afro Latinos

DAY 12 |  Colorism in the Community

Day 13 |  LGBTQ+ Intersectionality

Day 14 |  Hispanic/Asian Intersectionality

Day 15 |  Breaking Barriers

Day 16 |  Prison Reform

  • Criminal Justice Reform, League of United Latin American Citizens. [11 minute read]
  • 2_Latinos — Criminal Justice Reform: Latinos and Immigrants, Tomas Rivera Policy Institute (2016). [13 minute read]
  • Additional Materials
    i.   Viewing Bad Hombres Documentary, Decolonize Justice series. [35:34 minute video
    ii.  The story depicted in the new documentary series “Decolonize Justice,” represents the way police, prosecutors and courts have historically targeted people of color for incarceration in our country. This is the subject of the series’ anchor documentary, Bad Hombres: From Colonization to Criminalization

Day 17 |  Musica!

Day 18 | Community and Family Dynamics

Day 19  |  Contributions to Literature, Poetry, and the Arts

Day 20 |  Hispanic Heroes

Day 21 |  Immigration

Additional Resources 

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