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Racial & Ethnic Diversity Caucus

Hon. Rhonda Hunter

Hon. Rhonda Hunter

Racial & Ethnic Diversity Caucus Chair

A message from our Chair

Hello Colleagues,

As Chair of the Racial and Ethnic Diversity Caucus, I am honored to welcome you to the ABA Midyear Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona. The Caucus is dedicated to providing leadership in advancing the ABA's Goal III principals and the Midyear Meeting provides us with an invaluable opportunity to engage in meaningful discussions, collaborate on critical initiatives, and strengthen our collective voice. I am honored to serve alongside such passionate and committed delegates. The Caucus will convene on Sunday February 2, 2025, at noon MDT at the Sheraton Phoenix Downtown in the Valley of the Sun E. and we invite you to join us as we hear from ABA leaders and debate crucial resolutions scheduled to come before the House.

The Racial and Ethnic Diversity Caucus is uniquely positioned to foster progress within the ABA as we:

  • Collaborate and encourage diverse perspectives on resolutions coming before the House of Delegates,
  • Engage with ABA leadership, including the President, President-Elect, and Board of Governors, as well as candidates for ABA office and leaders of national affinity bars.
  • Network with one another to share ideas, strategies, and experiences that advance diversity initiatives.
  • Advocate for the election and appointment of racial and ethnic members to leadership roles within the ABA.
  • Support ABA initiatives that align with the Goals of the ABA, including the ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund, which helps diversify the pipeline into the legal profession.

The  Racial and Ethnic Diversity Caucus will also co-sponsor a seminar on Saturday February 1, 2025, at 2:30 p.m. entitled, "Navigating the Brave New World of DEI:  What Courts Have Said and What's Next," and I encourage you all to attend this event. Click here for more details.

As we meet in Phoenix, the work of this Caucus remains crucial for the ABA , as we look toward the broader goal of ensuring that our profession reflects and serves the diverse communities that make up our nation. Your voice and participation are critical to the success of these efforts. Thank you for your dedication to this important mission. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or ideas you may have as we gather for the 2025 ABA Midyear Meeting.

Rhonda Hunter, Chair

Meeting Resources

Operating Rules

2025 Midyear Resolution Committee Report

2025 Midyear Meeting Agenda

2024 Annual Meeting Minutes

2024 Annual Meeting Agenda

2024 Resolutions Committee Report

2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

Signup for the Caucus Listserv

If you would like to be added to the Caucus Listserv, please email [email protected]

What is the ABA Racial & Ethnic Diversity Caucus?

The Racial & Ethnic Diversity Caucus provides a forum for underrepresented racial or ethnic members of the House of Delegates and those House members who have an interest in diversity issues to:

  • Work together to initiate, consider support for,  and hear from proponents/opponents on resolutions coming before the House.
  • Hear from/engage the ABA President, President-Elect, Chair of the House, Executive Director, Board of Governors (Goal III Minority M-A-L), Candidates for ABA Office, and National Affinity Bar Leadership.
  • Meet and network with one another prior to the opening session of the House.
  • Support the election/appointment of underrepresented racial and ethnic ABA members to leadership positions and ABA entities throughout the ABA.
  • Support ABA initiatives germane to the Caucus e.g., ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund etc.

The Caucus meets twice a year, at the ABA Annual and Midyear Meetings.  In person meetings typically take place on Sunday afternoon and virtual meetings on Saturday afternoon preceding the opening of the House. Check the Midyear and Annual Meeting Schedules for dates, times and locations.

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