In 1992 a Presidential Task Force on Minorities in the Justice system was created in the aftermath of the Rodney King disturbances. Shortly thereafter, a report was issued with recommendations by the Task Force.
The Task Force became the Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice in 1994. It was designed to implement the recommendations and develop partnerships among community groups, civil rights organizations, businesses, religious organizations, and bar associations for the purpose of eliminating racial and ethnic bias in the justice system. Its primary goal is to serve as a catalyst for eliminating racial and ethnic bias in the justice system with a focus on systemic change.
The Coalition services include:
- Assistance with the development of educational programs;
- Hosting public forums for dialogue between legal and non legal institutions; and
- Providing technical assistance and advice on how to implement specific programs, strategies, and partnerships
Since its inception, the Coalition has been on the cutting edge of social justice issues. Over the past 12 years, the Coalition has focused on a number of substantive and diverse issues such as racial profiling, access to the justice system, overrepresentation of juveniles of color, indigent defense, racial profiling and the war on terrorism, voting disenfranchisement and the impact of technology, election protection, injustices and discrimination in Tulia, Texas and the impact of Katrina on the impoverished.