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About Us

Working to build the educational pipeline to a profession that looks like the nation

The ABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline (Pipeline Council) seeks to increase diversity in the educational pipeline. The Pipeline Council acts as a think-tank and programmatic incubator for activities that foster a more diverse educational pipeline into the legal profession; and provide the forum for key stakeholders to address issues and build networks for change in our educational systems and the legal profession.


The Pipeline Council was established in 2000 by ABA President Bill Paul. Originally tasked with developing the Legal Opportunity Scholarship, the Council has expanded its efforts to include national initiatives, robust programming, rich resources, and enhanced visibility for pipeline diversity programs and leadership in the legal profession.


The Pipeline Council acts as a think-tank and programmatic incubator for activities that foster a more diverse educational pipeline into the legal profession; and provide the forum for key stakeholders to address issues and build networks for change in our educational systems and the legal profession. Our priorities are:

  1. Identifying developing, executing, and supporting initiatives, resources, tools, strategies, best practices, policy, and research to increase diversity and inclusion in the educational pathway to the profession;
  2. Collaborating with and providing a forum for internal and external entities and constituents to create and support initiatives and research to increase diversity and inclusion in the educational pathway to the profession;
  3. Highlighting the importance and increasing awareness of diversity and inclusion pipeline programs and advocates, including recognizing exemplary individual and organizational leadership in enhancing diversity and inclusion in the educational pathway to the profession.
  4. Conducting major initiatives and projects pertaining to diversity and inclusion in the educational pipeline.

The ABA President appoints 12 Pipeline Council Members and its Chair each year.

The 100+ Judicial Clerkship Program Participants inclusive of students and judges, January 2019.

The 100+ Judicial Clerkship Program Participants inclusive of students and judges, January 2019.

Powell Photography (C)

Sponsorship Opportunities

The Pipeline Council offers a number of sponsorship opportunities. When we invest our resources in the Educational Pipeline, it is really an investment in our collective future. 

For more information, please contact Selina Thomas, 312-988-5736 or by email to [email protected]