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New Mexico

Committee on Diversity in the Legal Profession

The Committee on Diversity in the Legal Profession promotes opportunities for minorities in the legal profession and encourages participation by minorities in bar programs and activities.

The Committee on Women and the Legal Profession

The Committee on Women and the Legal Profession seeks to address issues adversely affecting female lawyers and judges and promotes systemic changes and opportunities to advance the role of women in the legal profession.

Elder Law Section

The purpose of the Elder Law Section is to facilitate and improve the law and practice of law in areas of particular concern to the elderly, including preserving and enhancing the rights of physically and mentally challenged individuals with respect to care, housing and asset management and to lead, coordinate and serve as a coordinating agent and clearinghouse for the efforts of the various agencies involved in service to the elderly.

Indian Law Section 

The Indian Law Section seeks to provide support, information and education for New Mexico attorneys practicing in areas that are impacted by the specialized legal rules and doctrines applicable to Indian tribes, individuals and property.

Well-Being Committee

The NM Well-Being Committee was established in 2020 by the State Bar of New Mexico's Board of Bar Commissioners. The NM Well-Being Committee is a standing committee of key stakeholders that encompass different areas of the legal community and cover state-wide locations. All members have a well-being focus and concern with respect to the NM legal community. It is this committee's goal to examine and create initiatives centered around wellness.  This includes mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and substance use struggles within the New Mexico legal community. The Wellness Committee will continue to follow the steps laid out in the National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being.

Local Bar Associations

New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association

Formed in 1995, the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association was established to serve the homosexual lawyers of New Mexico. The main purposes of the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association are to advance the civil rights of New Mexico’s homosexual community, promote the advancement of lesbians and gays in New Mexico’s legal profession, and inform the general public about legal issues affecting the homosexual community. The New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association is an affiliate of the National LGBT Bar.

The New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association focuses on keeping its members connected with one another and the greater homosexual community of the state. Lawyers belonging to the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association are able to socialize and network at the lunches that the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association puts together for its members on a regular basis. Members also enjoy being able to stay up to date on significant issues that affect their professional and personal lives as part of the homosexual community by signing up for the New Mexico Lesbian and Gay Lawyers Association’s email lists.

New Mexico Black Lawyers Association


  • To conduct a program of continuing legal education for the membership;
  • To improve the method of judicial selection and tenure;
  • To study the needs of the State and community for legislation;
  • To protect the civil rights of the citizens of the community though the legal profession.

Navajo Nation Bar Association

New Mexico Hispanic Bar Association

Our vision? Promote an established legacy of equality and empowerment for Hispanics in the legal community and education. Hispanics account for an increasingly large section of the U.S. population and electorate. In New Mexico, Hispanics have been a part of the state’s cultural, economic, and political heritage for centuries. Our mission is to maintain and increase the number of Hispanic legal professionals in the state by providing professional support to our membership.

New Mexico LGBTQ+ Bar Association

We, as a voluntary bar association in the State of New Mexico, promote and protect the interests of all lawyers who identify as LGBTQIA plus to achieve their full participation in all rights, privileges, and benefits of the legal profession. We promote the efficient administration of justice and the constant improvement of the law, especially as it relates to LGBTQIA+ individuals. We advocate the selection of LGBTQIA+ individuals to the bench, bar, and other positions relative to the administration of the law and justice. We promote and advocate the representation and participation of LGBTQIA+ individuals in existing local and national bar associations, particularly to leadership positions. We promote and assist LGBTQIA+ individuals in their efforts to establish a career in the legal profession. We educate the public and disseminate information on issues related to LGBTQIA+ individuals’ participation in the legal and judicial system.

New Mexico Women’s Bar Association

Our Vision: Success and fulfillment for every woman in the legal profession. 

Our Mission: To provide resources that empower women in the legal profession.

The NMWBA seeks to:

  • Promote women to the highest level of achievement in their field.
  • Develop a network and support system for women in the profession.
  • Identify barriers to women in the legal profession and provide education on how to overcome those barriers