All Indiana State Bar Association Committees can be found on their website.
Continuing Legal Education Committee
The Continuing Legal Education Committee facilitates the production and delivery of high-quality, affordable CLE programs for the benefit of the legal profession, in coordination with the sections, committees and staff of the ISBA, and other entities serving the needs of Indiana lawyers.
Diversity Committee
The Diversity Committee recruits and assists minority law students, and seeks all opportunities for participation in the ISBA by minority lawyers. The committee oversees the Minority Clerkship Program, which assists minority law students in finding summer employment opportunities in law firms and corporations.
Diversity Portal
Latino Affairs Committee
The Latino Affairs Committee seeks to provide a unified voice addressing the legal issues uniquely affecting the Latino community of Indiana. The committee coordinates resources to ensure equal access to justice for Indiana’s Latino community, promotes the legal concerns of Latinos within the broader legal community, and raises awareness of issues that affect the Latino community.
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Committee
The Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Committee works to educate attorneys, judges, the Association, and members of the general public about the law as it relates to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons.
Well-Being Committee
The Well-Being Committee believes healthy and positive lifestyles are vital to the practice of law. This committee supports and inspires a culture shift by advocating for the importance of physical and mental well-being, personal growth, career satisfaction, and community involvement.
Women in the Law Committee
The Women in the Law Committee makes recommendations to the ISBA for action to address problems identified by surveys and reports regarding women in the practice of law. The committee also holds an annual Bench Bar Retreat and is developing a service project.