National Organization on Disability’s Bridges Advisory Services
National Organization on Disability’s Disability Employment Tracker
Cornell Alumna credits ADA for opportunities, career access
Lawyering with Challenges: Disability and Empowerment
- Overcoming a significant disability in a law career means negotiating environmental and physical challenges every day, but social exclusion and ingrained attitudes can present more imposing career obstacles. Stuart Pixley, a Microsoft senior attorney born with cerebral palsy, reflects on a working life both fulfilling and taxing, and on his commitment to the cause of empowering other lawyers with disabilities through engagement with the broader diversity movement.
The Business Case for Disability Diversity in Legal Employment
- Reprinted with permission of the Illinois Bar Journal, Vol. 102 #3, March 2014. Copyright by the Illinois State Bar Association.
TIPS Diversity Committee Newsletter Spring 2014 –Disability Edition
Washington Attorney’s with Disabilities Association
ABA Business Law Section Diplomats Program for Business Lawyers with Disabilities
Association of Corporate Counsel: Creating an Inclusive Environment for Lawyers with Disabilities
Employer Assistance & Resource Network’s Interviewing Candidates with Disabilities
Federal Schedule A Hiring Authority Fact Sheet
Employer Assistance and Resource Network
Recruiting, Hiring, Retaining, and Promoting People with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Employers
Sign On to Bender Registry for Federal Government Attorney Positions
Bender Consulting Services is a company that has been retained by the Office of Personnel Management to recruit, screen, and direct candidates with disabilities to federal agencies for a variety of positions, including attorney jobs. Bender maintains an electronic registry of potential candidates who have targeted disabilities and have been certified as job-ready. When filling an attorney vacancy, every office within Justice is now required to consult the Bender Registry to identify qualified attorney candidates.
Potential attorney candidates with disabilities interested in getting on the Bender Registry should submit their resume to [email protected]. Information about Bender and the Bender Registry is accessible at If you have any questions about the Bender Registry please contact the Bender Consulting Services directly.
If you have any questions about the Department of Justice’s outreach initiatives designed to attract qualified individuals with targeted disabilities, please contact our Special Counsel for Disability Resources Allison Nichol at (202) 307-6387 or at [email protected].