University of Baltimore School of Law
Contact/ Disability Resource Center
Office of Disability and Access Services
Disability and Access Services is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities and works to ensure access to all campus facilities and programs.
Academic Center, Room 111
1420 N. Charles St.
Baltimore, MD 21201
map and directions
Phone: (410) 837-4755
Fax: (410) 837-4932
[email protected]
Web Accessibility Portal
Mental Health Law Clinic
Students represent patients in involuntary civil commitment hearings at the Sheppard Pratt psychiatric hospital. Students engage in client interview and counseling sessions, review medical records, and engage in case preparation and development by interviewing a psychiatrist and, often, family members. Representation culminates with an administrative hearing. Professional responsibility issues come alive in the ongoing representation of a mentally ill client seeking release from involuntary hospital confinement.
Law & Disabilities Seminar
The course will study legal issues as they relate to persons with disabilities. The primary focus will include federal special education law, public and private employment discrimination, architectural accessibility, decision-making rights in the community (competency, consent to medical treatment, sterilization of the disabled, civil commitment of the mentally ill and guardianship), and legal issues as they effect persons with AIDS.
Psychology, Child Development and Mental Health in Family Law Matters
This course is designed to help family law practitioners understand the mental health needs of adults and children, the stages of child development, and the roles they play in family law representation. Participants will learn how to engage mental health professionals and other court experts, interpret their reports and testimony, and interact with them effectively. The course also will help participants identify and develop the self-care skills necessary to maintain their own mental and emotional health when engaged in family law practice. Teaching methods will include presentation, discussion, and experiential learning activities.
Student Organizations
UB Disabled Law Student Association (DLSA)
The UB Disabled Law Student Association works to create an open, sustainable, and accessible environment for students to raise awareness of and advocate for disability rights in the University of Baltimore School of Law community, the legal profession, and society at large. The UB DLSA will host events that are inclusive of both members of the disability community as well as allied partners. UB DLSA is a chapter member of the National Disabled Law Student Association (NDLSA).