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Symposium for Disabled Law Students and Recent Graduates

On October 8, 2019, the Commission on Disability Rights, American University Washington College of Law, and The American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law cosponsored a day-long symposium, "Creating Opportunities for Law Students with Disabilities in the 21st Century: Inclusivity on Campus and in the Workplace." The symposium focused on issues facing law students and recent law graduates with disabilities. Details and materials from the program can be found on this page.

Program Transcript

The transcript of the symposium has been published by the American University Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law (Volume 28, Number 3, published in 2020). Click the link below to go to a PDF of the transcript.

Click here to - read the transcript

Symposium Agenda

The symposium featured four panel discussions, as well as opening and keynote addresses. Click below to see the day's agenda.

Click here to - see the program

AU Journal of Gender, Social Policy & the Law

(External Link) The 2020 issue of American University's JGSPL includes not only the transcript of the symposium, but also articles addressing disability issues by two of the symposium's speakers.

click here to go to - the Journal