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April 30, 2013

Webinar Accessibility

The Commission on Disability Rights (CDR) offers Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) services for all of its CLE webinars.  With CART, everything that is said is "captioned" live for persons who are deaf or hard of hearing.  The CART provider types into a stenotype machine using machine shorthand, and the computer software translates that shorthand into realtime captions.  The process is so fast that there is hardly any lag time between what is said and what the person is able to read.  CART generates a transcript, which is available to those attending the webinar, and is later sold as a stand alone.

So far, 12 ABA entities are leading the charge by committing to provide CART services:

  • Business Law Section
  • Commission on Disability Rights
  • Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
  • Forum on Franchising
  • Judicial Division
  • Labor and Employment Law Section
  • Law Practice Management Section
  • Membership and Marketing (for all CLE Premier Speaker Series Programs)
  • Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources
  • Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division
  • Standing Committee on Lawyers’ Professional Liability
  • Standing Committee on Lawyer Referral and Information Service