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October 08, 2020

Louise P. Dempsey

Most of my career has been devoted to public education.  I graduated from McGill University, Montreal, and Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.  I hold a Certificate of Advanced Studies in Bioethics from Cleveland State University.

I was an Assistant Dean at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.  I am currently a member of the Board of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District (former Vice Chair).  I have been appointed to the Board by three consecutive Cleveland mayors since 1998.  I am also a member of  national school boards and state school boards associations. 

As a member of the Cleveland School Board, I have also, for the last fifteen years, been on the Steering Committee of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s 3Rs Program.  Five hundred members of the bench and bar, each month, teach Rights, Responsibilities and Realities and the basics of Constitutional Law to students in the large urban Cleveland public school system.

I was an active member on the ABA Council for Racial and Ethnic Diversity in the Educational Pipeline.  I worked with the Pipeline Council, including research and education efforts, as well as efforts to increase diversity in the educational pipeline to the legal profession.  I was also a member of the ABA Standing Committee for Public Education.  I am a member of the Senior Lawyer’s Division.

I suffered a stroke which affects some of my mobility and speech.  I have acquired apraxia, which is a speech disorder and my mobility is limited.