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April 29, 2019



  • ABA President-Elect Laurel G. Bellows presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Hon. Judge Donovan W. Frank of St. Paul, Minnesota
  • The Commission hosts, in conjunction with the ABA Office of the President, the Association of Corporate Counsel, and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, the 3rd National Conference on Employment of Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • The ABA House of Delegates, at the 2012 ABA Midyear Meeting in New Orleans, passes Resolution 111 urging entities that administer law school admissions tests to (1) provide accommodations that best ensure that the skills of the test-takers are measured, and not their disabilities and (2) not flag scores that have received a disability-based accommodation.
  • The Commission publishes the Goal III Report
  • The Commission amended the Pledge for Change to specifically include judges and judiciaries as signatories.


  • Commission publishes Lawyers, Lead On: Lawyers with Disabilities Share Their Insights
  • Commission holds its' first webinar CLE, An Introduction to Special Education Law
  • The Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter celebrates 35 years
  • The Commission publishes Equal Employment of Persons with Disabilities: Federal and State Law, Accommodations, and Diversity Best Practices
  • ABA President-Elect Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Dr. Marc Mauer & Daniel F. Goldstein of Baltimore, Maryland.
  • The Commission unanimously votes to change its name to Commission on Disability Rights (CDR) to better reflect its mission. 


  • The Commission publishes Civil Mental Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony: A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges and Mental Disability Professionals
  • ABA President-Elect Nominee Wm. T. (Bill) Robinson presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to the Disability Rights Legal Center of Los Angeles.


  • The Commission publishes the Criminal Mental Health and Disability Law, Evidence, and Testimony: A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges, and Criminal Justice Professionals.
  • The Commission hosts, in conjunction with the ABA Office of the President, the Association of Corporate Counsel, and the Minority Corporate Counsel Association, the 2nd National Conference on Employment of Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • ABA President-elect Carolyn B. Lamm  presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Claudia B. Center, Esq. of California. 


  • The Commission publishes the Disability Discrimination Law, Evidence and Testimony:  A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges and Disability Professionals.
  • ABA President-elect  H. Thomas Wells, Jr.  presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Lester T. Pritchard of Illinois.
  • At Annual Meeting, ABA House of Delegates votes to change ABA Goal IX to Goal III: Eliminate bias and enhance diversity. 


  • The Commission publishes the Mental Disability Law, Evidence and Testimony:  A Comprehensive Reference Manual for Lawyers, Judges and Mental Disability Professionals.
  • The Commission supports ABA amicus brief in U.S. Supreme Court case Panetti v. Quarterman, addressing whether the Eighth Amendment permits the execution of a death row inmate who is factually aware of the reason for his execution but, due to severe mental illness, has a delusional belief as to why the state is executing him.
  • 2007 ABA President-elect  William H. Neukom presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Laura Cooper Fenimore.
  • ABA House of Delegates adopts the Commission's resolution to promote website accessibility within the legal profession.


  • The Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter celebrates its 30th Anniversary.
  • The Commission hosts, in conjunction with the ABA Office of the President and the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the 1st National Conference on Employment of Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • ABA President Michael S. Greco presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to the Louise A. McKown, Public Awareness and Systems Change Advocate and Analyst for the East Tennessee Technology Access Center (ETTAC).
  • The Commission publishes report on the 2006 National Conference on the Employment of Lawyers with Disabilities. 


  • 2005 ABA President-elect Michael S. Greco presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for disability Rights to the Honorable Judge Rhonda J. Brown, Review Judge for the Washington State Employment Security Department. 


  • The Commission awards scholarships to lawyers and law students with disabilities to attend the ABA's Annual Meeting in Atlanta.
  • The Commission publishes the Mental & Physical Disability Law Digest.
  • ABA President Dennis W. Archer presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Anil Lewis, Chair of Board of Directors of the Disability Law and Policy Center of Georgia.
  • The Commission publishes Monograph on State Disability Discrimination Laws, with 50-state charts on statutes covering employment, public services, public accommodations, housing, and education. 


  • The Commission's Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter publishes Jim Ellis' "Mental Retardation and the Death Penalty: A Guide to State Legislative Issues."
  • Representative for ABA President A.P. Carlton presents Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Oakland Disability Advocates at the Commission's Annual Meeting Reception for Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • The Commission publishes the Handbook on Disability Discrimination Law.
  • The Commission and Section on Individual Rights and Responsibilities successfully petition ABA to submit amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the constitutionality of ADA Title II as applied to the states.


  • The Commission co-sponsors resolution at Mid-Year Meeting to provide full access in state and federal courts for person with disabilities.
  • ABA President Robert Hirshon presents the Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Robert Perske at the Commission's Annual Meeting Reception for Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • The Commission, joined by the West Group, holds Annual Meeting Presidential CLE program on electronic information access for persons with disabilities under Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act.
  • The Commission publishes the Handbook on Mental Disability Law


  • The Commission creates two disability law web boards utilizing resources of Mental and Physical Disability Law Reporter.
  • The Commission supports ABA amicus brief in U.S. Supreme Court case Atkins v. Virginia opposing the execution of persons with mental retardation.
  • ABA President-Elect Robert Hirshon presents Paul G. Hearne Award for Disability Rights to Stan Herr at the Commission's Annual Meeting Reception for Lawyers with Disabilities.
  • The Commission publishes Civil Law Handbook on Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence and Testimony.
  • The Commission creates a Mentoring Program, pairing law students and lawyers with disabilities. 


  • The Commission expands its mission: "to promote the ABA's commitment to justice and the rule of law for persons with mental, physical, and sensory disabilities and their full and equal participation in the legal profession."
  • The Commission publishes second edition of the Directory of Lawyers Practicing Disability Law.
  • The Commission publishes Criminal Law Handbook on Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence and Testimony.
  • ABA and the Commission receive certificate of appreciation from the National Organization on Disability for outstanding contribution to expanding the participation of persons with disabilities in American life.
  • ABA submits the Commission’s amicus brief for the U.S. Supreme Court case Tennessee v. Lane, supporting the constitutionality of the Americans with Disabilities Act as applied to the states. 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the National Organization on Disability and the J.C. Penney Corporation, presents the first Paul G. Hearne Disability Law Award to James Ellis, J.D.
  • The ABA passes a Commission-sponsored resolution to amend the ABA's Goal IX to "promote full and equal participation in the legal profession by minorities, women and persons with disabilities."
  • The Commission celebrates the tenth anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act at the Annual Meeting with a Presidential Showcase program, the Paul G. Hearne Disability Rights Award, and a reception for lawyers with disabilities; issues first Goal IX Report on the participation of lawyers with disabilities within ABA leadership positions. 


  • The Commission, in cooperation with ABA President Jerome J. Shestack, celebrates its 25th anniversary with an ABA National Conference: In Pursuit ... A Blueprint for Disability Law and Policy.
  • The Commission, with funding from the State Justice Institute, publishes National Benchbook on Psychiatric and Psychological Evidence and Testimony


  • The Commission publishes Mental Disabilities and the Americans with Disabilities Act


  • The Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter celebrates its 20th Anniversary with a special commemorative October-November issue, and the Commission publishes Regulation, Litigation and Dispute Resolution Under the Americans with Disabilities Act. 


  • The Commission publishes Fifth Edition of Mental Disability Law: A Primer


  • The Commission's creates the Subcommittee on Lawyers with Disabilities as well as the Subcommittee on Member Benefits for Lawyers with Disabilities. 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly and with funding from the State Justice Institute, institutes a project on court accessibility under the ADA and publishes Opening the Courthouse Door: An Access Guide for State Courts (1992) and Into the Jury Box: A Disability Accommodation Guide for State Courts (1994). 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the National Mental Health Association and with funding from the Pew Charitable Trusts and the DuPont Company, prepares and publishes The ADA and People with Mental Illness: A Resource Manual for Employers (1993). 


  • The ABA creates the Task Force on Member Benefits for Disabled Lawyers. 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly and the National Judicial College and with funding from the State Justice Institute and the U.S. Administration on Aging, hold the National Conference on the Court-Related Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities and publishes Court-Related Needs of the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities: A Blueprint for the Future (1991).
  • The Commission changes its name to the ABA Commission on Mental and Physical Disability Law. 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the ABA Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly and with funding from the State Justice Institute, prepares and publishes Steps to Enhance Guardianship Monitoring (1991). 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the ABA Center on Children and the Law and with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Developmental Disabilities, prepares and publishes AIDS and Persons with Developmental Disabilities: The Legal Perspective (1989) and AIDS/HIV and Confidentiality (1991). 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the ABA Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly, holds the National Guardianship Symposium at the Wingspread Conference Facility in Racine, Wisconsin. 


  • Samuel J. Brakel, John Parry, and Barbara Weiner receive the Manfred S. Guttmacher Award for Mentally Disabled and the Law from the American Psychiatric Association and the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law. 


  • The ABA Criminal Justice Mental Health Standards is published. The ABA is given the New Jersey Community Health Law Project Founders Award Plaque in recognition of the Commission's Bar Funding project, which helped establish the Law Project. 


  • The third edition of the Mentally Disabled and the Law is published. 


  • The Reporter changes its name to the Mental & Physical Disability Law Reporter, and the Commission publishes the first edition of Mental Disability Law: A Primer. 


  • The Commission, in conjunction with the ABA Commission on Legal Problems of the Elderly and with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, prepares and publishes a Model Act Regulating Board and Care Homes: Guidelines for the States (1984). 


  • The Commission, with funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Bureau of Developmental Disabilities, prepares and publishes a series of nine model statutes, entitled Disabled Persons and the Law (1982). 


  • The Commission's Bar Funding, in conjunction with local and state bar associations and with funding from the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, helps create 10 mental health advocacy programs throughout the United States. 


  • The first issue of Mental Disability Law Reporter is published, with funding from the American Bar Endowment, Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, and the National Institute of Mental Health. 


  • ABA President, Chesterfield Smith, establishes the ABA Commission on the Mentally Disabled. Jerome J. Shestack is the founding chair. 


  • The second edition of Mentally Disabled and the Law is published.



The first edition of the American Bar Foundation's Mentally Disabled and the Law is published.



The ABA's Special Committee on Rights of Mentally Ill is created.