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Part 1 of 3

Workplace Language and Accent Discrimination Issues

Part 1 of 3 part webinar series: Language Access in the Justice System

Part 1 | Workplace Language and Accent Discrimination Issues


The ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & Responsibilities and the Hispanic Issues Section of the State Bar of Texas present part 1 of our 3-part webinar series exploring language and other barriers to members of the Hispanic Community in employment and the justice system. Lawyers from Academia, the EEOC, and private practice will:

  • Provide an update on English-only rules/speak only English/level of English “proficiency”.
  • Discuss other forms of linguistic discrimination/racism accent, appearance, skin color, “perceived as”, etc.)
  • Explore language discrimination in jury selection.
  • Explore language discrimination in jury selection.
  • Examine additional ways discrimination is visited on the Latinx/Hispanic people in the US.
  • Describe how each presenter see these issues from their unique vantage points (academia, EEOC, private practice) as well as personally.



Speakers Include: 


Full Series Information:

  • Part 1:
    Workplace Language and Accent Discrimination Issues
    Presented 10/6/22
  • Part 2:
    Language Access to Justice
    Presented 11/3/22
    Visit program page.
  • Part 3:
    Helping Lawyers with Clients, Witnesses, and Others Whose Primary or Exclusive Language is Spanish
    Date TBD 


Part 2 | From Language Access to Language Justice – Fostering Equity for Latinos in the Justice System


Support the Hispanic Commission

Your support of the Hispanic Commission’s work is greatly appreciated and will help expand on our accomplishments and activities to date. The Commission is working on a variety of programs, including unauthorized practice of law (Notario Fraud), language access in the courts, voting rights, and much more.

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