The Hispanic Commission finds definition within the ABA’s collective mission to defend liberty and pursue justice and continued for two years as a presidential initiative. During that period, The Hispanic Commission sought to analyze and devise solutions regarding the key legal issues affecting Latinos, the largest growing segment of the American population. The Hispanic Commission addressed key issues, such as voting rights, immigration, civil rights, and access to the courts.
Commissioners (2020 - 2021)
- Betty Bali Torres, Chair
- Jason Jose Goitia
- Matthew Kline
- Louis Lopez
- Veronica Marson
- Jessica Massey
- Rodolfo Sigifredo Monterrosa Jr.
- Federico M. Rodriguez
- Thomas Saenz
- Caroline Shoenberger
Board of Governors Liaison
- Michele Wong Krause
- Malcolm "Skip" Harsch
Director - Tina M. Guedea
Program Associate