Over the course of a year (2010-2011), the Hispanic Commission received testimony from approximately 80 individuals. The testimony addressed a range of issues that reflect matters of region-specific concern, as well as issues of national urgency for the broad Latino Community.
The Hispanic Commission received testimony on the following topics: housing, foreclosures and homelessness; criminalization of immigrants; disabled Latinos; the legal landscape and its impact on Latinos; voting rights and responsibilities; Latino youth and the educational pipeline; Latino farmers rights; discrimination against Latinas at the workplace; legal services access; the DREAM Act; transnational Latino communities, including the issues affecting Puerto Ricans and Dominicans; criminal consequences of immigration law and policy; violence against Latinos; domestic violence; health care access, including access for Spanish speakers; environmental justice; Latinos in the military; the criminal justice system and incarceration; Latinos in the media; Latinos in the legal profession.
The witnesses and their testimony topics are presented below by hearing date.