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Regional Hearings Archives

Over the course of a year (2010-2011), the Hispanic Commission received testimony from approximately 80 individuals. The testimony addressed a range of issues that reflect matters of region-specific concern, as well as issues of national urgency for the broad Latino Community.

The Hispanic Commission received testimony on the following topics: housing, foreclosures and homelessness; criminalization of immigrants; disabled Latinos; the legal landscape and its impact on Latinos; voting rights and responsibilities; Latino youth and the educational pipeline; Latino farmers rights; discrimination against Latinas at the workplace; legal services access; the DREAM Act; transnational Latino communities, including the issues affecting Puerto Ricans and Dominicans; criminal consequences of immigration law and policy; violence against Latinos; domestic violence; health care access, including access for Spanish speakers; environmental justice; Latinos in the military; the criminal justice system and incarceration; Latinos in the media; Latinos in the legal profession.

The witnesses and their testimony topics are presented below by hearing date.

November 12, 2010
Midwest Hearing
Chicago, IL

January 13, 2011
West Coast Hearing
San Francisco, CA

March 25, 2011
East Coast Hearing
New York, NY

May 20, 2011
Southeast Hearing
Miami, FL

June 20, 2011
Southwest Hearing
Austin, TX

July 12, 2011
West Coast Hearing II
Los Angeles, CA