This webinar is designed to be a practical guide for Court ADR Administrators who are interested in exploring new methods for evaluating court-annexed mediation programs. This Webinar will discuss whether Court ADR Programs should evaluate long-term mediation outcomes, effective and efficient practices for assessing them, and various studies conducted by researchers and court programs regarding long-term outcomes, as well as the results and their implications.
Should Court ADR Programs Evaluate Long Term Outcomes?
Pamela Kay Struss
Born in Baton Rouge, LA and moved to Dallas Texas at age 7. Grew up in the Lake Highlands area and was raised by grandparents. Graduated from Lake Highlands High School, University of Texas Arlington-BA Poli Sci, George Mason...
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Jennifer Shack
Jennifer Shack has been Director of Research at Resolution Systems Institute since 2000. In this role, she conducts complex evaluations of court-based mediation programs and researches the effectiveness of mediation in court...
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