As the stakes can be life and death, tensions and conflict in healthcare are often more pervasive and more destructive than in other industries. Particularly for staff and employee conflicts, healthcare organizations are increasingly establishing ombuds offices – including MD Anderson, Mt. Sinai, NIH, Yale Medical Center, Stanford and many more. Ombuds offer confidential, impartial, independent services ranging from coaching and informal facilitation to mediation, helping to resolve conflicts before EEO complaints and HR grievance procedures become necessary. This presentation will explain how Ombuds programs can improve compliance, reduce organizational conflict, mitigate risk and foster an ethical culture.
Conflict Management And Legal Risk Mitigation In Healthcare
Chinyere Ukabiala, Haavi Morreim, Natalie C Fleury, and Don Greenstein
Haavi Morreim
Haavi Morreim, JD, PhD, is an academician, attorney and active mediator. She is also Principal, Center for Conflict Resolution in Healthcare LLC ( Identified by the Tennessee Supreme...
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Natalie C Fleury
Medical College of Wisconsin
Natalie C. Fleury, JD has been an Ombuds at the Medical College of Wisconsin since 2015. From 2007-2022, she was the Program Coordinator for Dispute Resolution and Adjunct Professor of Law at Marquette University Law School,...
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Don Greenstein
Brandeis University
Don Greenstein has a background in conflict management, law, facilitation of difficult communications, and creative dispute management processes. He has over 30 years of experience working with an array of technical issues...
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