Covid-19, racial injustice, and civil unrest are causing pain, anxiety, strong emotions, loneliness and chronic stress. This program will draw on interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research to provide you actionable takeaways and help you improve your well-being and the practice of dispute resolution. After attending this program, you should be able to:
- Reduce chronic stress and enhance cognitive effectiveness, well-being, and performance through suggested practices.
- Become a more inclusifying leader.
- Mitigate loneliness through interventions such as talk therapy.
- Improve your well-being and your dispute resolution skills
Related Links
- Loneliness Research Homepage
- Combatting Loneliness in the Legal Profession Video
- COVID-19 Phobias About Health, Finances, Law, Leadership, and Loneliness, Northwestern University Law Review Of Note Blog, May, 15, 2020
- Pandemic Emotions: The Good, the Bad, and the Unconscious — Implications for Public Health, Financial Economics, Law, and Leadership
- Put More Women in Charge and Other Leadership Lessons from COVID-19
- Unsafe at Any Campus: Don’t Let Colleges Become the Next Cruise Ships, Nursing Homes, and Meat Packing Plants, with Debra S. Austin, Indiana Law Journal Supplement (forthcoming)
- Boost: Improving Mindfulness, Thinking, and Diversity, 10(1) William & Mary Business Law Review 139-97 (2018).
- Can Practicing Mindfulness Improve Lawyer Decision-Making, Ethics, and Leadership?, 55 Houston Law Review 63-154 (2017).
- How Improving Decision-Making and Mindfulness Can Improve Legal Ethics and Professionalism, 21 Journal of Law, Business and Ethics 35-76 (2015).
- Emotional Adaptation and Lawsuit Settlements, 108 Columbia Law Review Sidebar 50 (2008).