- Our mission is to develop programs and raise awareness about ADR in the state and federal courts and to provide connections across the ADR field; support the DR Spring Conference Court Symposium.
For nearly all of us, challenges and opportunities abound within the field of dispute resolution. As we grapple with the challenges and opportunities, Nelson Timken’s article, Negotiation and Mediation – Same Goal, But Then the Similarity End, provides insight that can benefit all participants in mediation. Debra Hamilton and Irini N. Bekhit collaborated on their article, Training Opportunities and Challenges for Court-Annexed Mediation Programs: A Dual Perspective, which discusses the benefits of cross-jurisdiction collaboration among ADR coordinators. As reflected in Jennifer M. Gartlan’s article, Changing Perceptions of Mediation Through Limited Scope Representation, there are many lessons to be learned from limited scope representation in Kosovo and the United States. Courts have to meet the challenge of helping self-represented litigants navigate the legal system. In their article, Setting Up Self-Represented Litigants for Success with Court Online Dispute Resolution Resources, Stephen Sullivan and Jasmine Henry discuss a project to design resources that make litigants more comfortable using a novel program.
Our expanding international connections have allowed us to better understand different cultures, needs, and interests in the dispute resolution field and to share our knowledge with them. In the fall of 2024, we were invited to a panel presentation on court-annexed ADR for a delegation from Kosovo. As is noted in Jennifer M. Gartlan’s article, she connected us with David Moora, Commissioner with the Office of Conflict Management and Prevention for the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, who hosted the delegation. Joining us on the panel were committee members Nick White from the Maryland Conflict Resolution Office and David Hubbard from the only conciliation court in Nebraska, along with retired judge and mediator Mort Denlow from Chicago. Following the panel presentation, the delegation visited with committee member Danielle Shalov, ADR Administrator for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York.
In November, former Section Chair Ana Sambold invited Laurel to present on court-annexed ADR to a delegation from Colombia. Jonathan “Jon” Yen from Ontario, Canada, recently rejoined the Section and joined our committee, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities in expanding mediation throughout the Canadian courts.
Mediation preparation has continued to be a challenge, but the Mediation Preparation Handbook which is now available, provides the opportunity to address those challenges. The Handbook was developed following a suggestion from member John Lande and the work of many members over many months.
On February 12, 2025, the Court ADR Committee hosted the webinar Bilingual Mediation: Practicalities and Considerations. We want to express our appreciation to Daniel “Danny” Stern Serviansky for taking the lead on organizing a terrific panel and serving as the moderator. We appreciate the contributions of panelists Carmen Rodriguez, Josh Pando, Gina Unzueta San Miguel, and Michael Eshman, and the DR Section Committees who co-sponsored the webinar. Thanks too to Melissa Buckley and Maria Bartolo for assisting with the webinar.
On March 11 at 11:30 a.m. ET, Erika Doherty and Alan Weiner with the California Bar’s Office of Professional Competence will discuss California Senate Bill 940, which directs the State Bar to create a program to certify alternative dispute resolution firms, providers, and practitioners. We also look forward to the committee members’ feedback about this initiative and to learning how other states might be addressing mediator certification.
Thank you to our members and the many others who continue to provide support, perspective, and mentorship. Your involvement is crucial to the success of our committee, the Section, and the field of dispute resolution.
Warm regards,
Jennifer Shack and Laurel Stevenson
Co-Chairs, Court ADR Committee