Message from the Committee Chairs
The Ombuds Committee introduces the topics in this issue of Just Resolutions to help readers distinguish between unique ombuds modalities, understand the skills required to be effective, and apprecia…
The Ombuds Committee introduces the topics in this issue of Just Resolutions to help readers distinguish between unique ombuds modalities, understand the skills required to be effective, and apprecia…
Despite varying roles, all ombuds encounter people experiencing distress. They therefore can expect parties may be overwhelmed by the situation, by an institution's practices, and/or by unrelated pro…
While it seems as though Ombuds Day has been around for some time, the first Ombuds Day was only celebrated in 2018.
This article delves into the nature of the Children's Ombudsman role, their responsibilities, and how children and families can access their services.
When it comes to difficult conversations or talking about difficulties in our lives, many of us choose to “tactically egress” – law enforcement language for flight.
What does ombudsing in the world of government oversight, specifically in immigration detention, look like?