ABA FJE Annual Fund and Restricted Gifts
Annual Fund
The FJE Annual Fund provides a giving opportunity to donors interested in supporting the public service and education programs of the ABA. The Annual Fund provides unrestricted dollars that allow the ABA the flexibility to respond to emerging legal issues and to seize new opportunities to help the profession and our communities thrive.
You can donate online today, call 312-988-5927 or mail your contribution made payable to the Fund for Justice and Education to:
American Bar Association
Attn: Fund for Justice and Education
321 N. Clark Street Fl. 20
Chicago, IL 60654
Restricted Funds
Donors may contribute to a specific ABA project or special initiative through the Fund for Justice and Education. All restricted gifts benefit the specific ABA entity's charitable program. Please review the Our Work section to learn more about the charitable programs that receive their funding through the ABA FJE.
Make a Monthly Gift
Sign up for our monthly giving program by making your first gift. DONATE TODAY!
Donor-Advised Funds and Shares of Stock
Donor-Advised Funds: Making a contribution to the ABA FJE through your Donor-Advised Fund provides an immediate gift to improve access to justice.
Unlock the potential of your Donor Advised Fund (DAF) in three easy steps: 1) recommend a grant distribution through your DAF administrator; 2) reference the ABA/FJE’s EIN 36-6110299, and 3) indicate that the grant is designated to the ABA charitable program of your choice.
You can visit DAF Direct to start the process now.
Shares of Stock: Donating shares of appreciated stock or securities can provide potentially significant tax benefits. Please notify our office of your gift.