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Attendee Program Access

Attendee - Rape as a War Crime: The Need to Respond to an Urgent Global Atrocity

Monday, June 24, 2024

1:00 PM ET

Product Code: CE2406RWC

You must attend the entire webinar including the Q&A, and click on all participation verification pop-up notifications to receive CLE credit.

Partial credit is not available for the live program or recording.

Before the Program

Technical Requirements: This course is compatible with any HTML5 and JavaScript enabled web browser including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and mobile devices using current software.  Internet Explorer is not recommended.

Program Materials

Download Materials

How To Access the Live Webinar

Log in to the Event

  • Log in to the Live Webinar at least 10 minutes prior to the start time to ensure that you are able to access the program in case of technical issues.
  • Enter the unique PIN found in your confirmation email, including all preceding (0) zeros. Your PIN is your ABA member/customer ID (example)
  • Click “Join"
  • If you have trouble logging into the webinar, please call (877) 297-2901 or:
    • Refresh your browser
    • Try a different browser (in case there are issues with your settings)
    • Disconnect from your VPN
  • Use the Watch the Recording link (see below) if the live program has ended

Access for Attendees Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing

A real-time text stream of this live webinar will be visible in the main webinar interface during the live presentation. CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) service provides instant accessibility for participants who are deaf or hard of hearing by delivering the spoken word as a real-time stream of text. CART service for this program is firewall friendly and works in almost any network environment with Internet access, and is compatible with all major web browsers.

Optional Telephone Connection

  • You must log into the webinar online to participate, but if you are experiencing issues with sound quality, you may dial in via telephone with the personalized dial in information found on the webinar slide player upon login.
  • For telephone audio, please log into the webinar via the link above and find your personalized dial in information below the webinar slide player.
  • If you are unable to log in, please call (877)297-2901 for technical assistance and to receive information about alternative methods of joining the program.
  • If the phone disconnects during the live program, redial the number above as soon as possible to rejoin and continue listening

How to Obtain CLE certificates

Report Certificate Issues

  • Partial credit is not available for live or on-demand courses
  • To receive CLE credit, you must be logged into the webinar for the entire program
  • Please click on all participation verification alerts during the program to indicate you are actively viewing the program. The ABA cannot, due to MCLE regulations, issue certificates unless you meet verification requirements by clicking on the verification alerts.
  • Remain on the webinar after the program’s conclusion to complete the program evaluation and access the Attendance Confirmation and Request for Credit
  • Your participation will be verified and your certificate will be automatically generated and emailed to you shortly after submitting the Request for Credit form provided at the end of the program.
  • If you are unable to complete the Attendance Confirmation and Request for Credit immediately after the program, you’ll receive an email with a link to access the evaluation and form a few hours after the program.
  • On-demand credit may be available in your jurisdiction for watching the recording link below.  At the end of the on demand video, a link to begin the certificate request process will appear.
  • Visit our MCLE resources to learn more about how ABA programs address mandatory CLE requirements by state to ensure that your participation time is properly recorded for MCLE tracking.

After the Program

  • Report technical issues with the webinar and/or getting your CLE certificate(s)
  • Submit any additional content-related questions to the program faculty
  • Questions will be sent to the program faculty within 24 hours after they have been submitted for response via email

Watch the Program Recording

Watch the Recording

  • Watch the recording if you were not able to attend the live webinar or wish to watch the program again
  • The recording will be available approximately 2 days after the live event and will be accessible to attendees from this page for 1 year from the event date
  • Closed Captioning may not be available for the on-demand course until approximately 5 business days after the event
  • On-demand credit may be treated differently than live webinar credit in some jurisdictions. Check your state's MCLE requirements for details.