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Unbundling Resource Center

Video and Audio

Training: Free 3-hour Practising Law Institute program, Expanding Your Practice Using Limited Scope Representation 2018, with M. Sue Talia

Audio: Podcast #172: Law Firm Profile: MyVirtual.Lawyer, with Brooke Moore (Lawyerist, May 16, 2018)

Audio: A Discussion with Forrest “Woody” Mosten, the Founder of Unbundled Legal Services: Exploring the History and Exciting Future of Unbundling (Unbundled Attorney Mastermind Podcast, Nov. 4, 2017)

Audio: The Past, Present, and Future of Unbundled Legal Services, with Forrest Mosten (Legal Talk Network, October 25, 2017)

Audio: Don’t Be Afraid of Unbundled Legal Services (Legal Talk Network, March 17, 2017) 

Audio: The Benefits of Unbundling Legal Services (New Solo, Legal Talk Network)

Audio: State Bar of Michigan Annual Meeting: The Michigan State Bar Foundation (Legal Talk Network)

Video: Limited Scope Representation Rules: Serving the Public in More Affordable Ways (State Bar of Michigan, January 2018)

Videos: Unbundling Video Series (Arkansas Access to Justice, September 22, 2017)

Videos: Watch the Unbundling Training by M. Sue Talia to learn how to integrate unbundling into your legal practice. Access the accompanying PowerPoint presentation here

    Train the Trainer - Clip 1 (53:18 minutes)
    Train the Trainer - Clip 2 (29:10 minutes)
    Train the Trainer - Clip 3 (1:10:31 minutes)
    Train the Trainer - Clip 4 (48:01 minutes)

Video: Delivering Unbundled Legal Services Over the Internet (Richard Granat)

Video: Court to Court: Limited Scope Pro Bono Representation for Pro Se Litigants (Federal Judicial Center)

Video: Less is More: Unbundling Legal Services and Expanding Your Practice Using Limited Scope Representation, featuring M. Sue Talia (ABA Standing Committee on the Delivery of Legal Services)

Video: Law à la Carte Conference (New York State Courts Access to Justice Program)

Video: Building an Effective “Limited Scope” Practice in Maryland conference (MD Access to Justice Commission and the MSBA Section on Delivery of Legal Services)

Video: Limited Scope Representation (Colorado Bar Association)

Video: The Ethics of Limited Scope Representation (Nebraska State Bar Association)

Video: Virtual Law Firms: 3 Unbundled Legal Services/ Limited Scope Representation (North Carolina Bar Association)

Video: Canadian Justices agree: Unbundled legal services make sense (National Self-Represented Litigants Project)

Video: Unbundling and the Future of Legal Service Delivery (Stanford Law School)