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Reinventing the Practice of Law

Online Legal Services


ABA Legal Technology Resource Center

eLawyering Blog (Richard Granat)

Virtual Law Practice Blog (Stephanie Kimbro)

LawSites by Robert Ambrogi


The Virtual Office: Prospects and Pitfalls (The Wyoming Lawyer, February 2018)

Why More Lawyers Are Working Remotely in 2017 Than Ever Before (Inside Counsel, August 2, 2017)

No Office, No Staff, No Paper...No Problem (Michigan Bar Journal, July 2017)

Operation of a Virtual Law Practice Permissible Under Ohio Rules of Professional Conduct (Columbus Bar Association, July 6, 2017)

Leveraging Technology to Improve Legal Services (Michigan Bar Journal, June 2017)

DTCI: A virtual office for the legal profession? (, April 19, 2017)

Really Virtual: Putting a practice online means access, efficiency and upkeep (ABA Journal, March 1, 2017)

Virtual Law Offices Offer Flexibility, Ability to Draw Talent (Bloomberg BNA, February 17, 2017)

Modern Law Practice Trends (Ohio Lawyer, January/February 2017)

Making the Virtual Leap (Washington Lawyer, January 2017)

The Evolution of the 'Virtual Law Firm' (LAW.COM, January 23, 2017)

Tech knowledge makes lawyers more productive, and could be key to increasing access to justice (ABA Journal, December 8, 2016)

This Week In Legal Tech: Real-World Examples Of Using Tech To Narrow The Justice Gap (Above the Law, November 28, 2016)

No Boardroom, Suits or Heels: This Virtual Law Practice Thrives in the Cloud (Stanford Lawyer, Fall 2016)

What Ever Happened to 'Virtual' Lawyering? (The American Lawyer, October 31, 2016)

Succession Planning Considerations for Virtual Practices (NW Lawyer, June 2016)

Technology is revolutionizing practice management — and clients are reaping the benefits (Massachusetts Lawyers Journal, May/June 2016)

Can Cloud-Based Law Firms Rival Traditional Model? (Tha National Law Review, April 12, 2016)

Can Technology Bridge the Justice Gap? (The Florida Bar Journal, January 2016)

Can Technology Help the Middle Class Close the Justice Gap? (Jurist, December 11, 2015)

Virtual Law Practice: Bootstrapping a Young Lawyer's Practice (Michigan Bar Journal, November 2015)

Big Firm Burnout and the New Virtual Lawyers (Bloomberg BNA, August 27, 2015)

Virtual law firms may be on upswing in North Jersey (, June 18, 2015)

Today’s Tech: A Public Interest Lawyer’s Mobile Law Practice (Above the Law, June 2015)

How do you provide client hand-holding if you run a virtual firm? (Podcast with Transcript, ABA Journal, September 2014)

The Door to a Virtual Law Practice Is Always Open: And the Proper Use of Technology Can Keep It That Way (Florida Bar Journal, June 2014)

Lawyers' definitions of virtual practice vary, but not when it comes to finding success (ABA Journal, April 2014)

Technology, Virtual Practice, Overarching Themes at Wisconsin Solo and Small Firm Conferences (Wisconsin State Bar WisBar News, June 2012)
