Legal incubators have emerged as models that enable newly-admitted lawyers to acquire the range of skills necessary to launch successful practices that expand access to legal services for those of low and moderate incomes. The alpha incubator was established at the City University of New York in 2007. Today, there are over 60 incubators nationwide. Click on the appropriate resource link below to access a directory of current and planned incubators, profiles of the programs and latest developments and resources.
Incubator Survey
The 2021 Incubator Survey has been completed. The findings can be read in the Results of the Legal Incubator Lawyer's Survey 2021 Report. The survey instrument can be found here.
2016 Survey
In 2016, The Delivery Committee, in collaboration with the Incubator Consortium, conducted a survey of lawyer incubators to collect and share data about programs and their participants. The findings are now available in the 2016 Comprehensive Survey of Lawyer Incubators report. Access the Report for detailed information on incubator program characteristics, resources and training, client and community services and the future outlook. A PowerPoint Presentation of just the charts from the report is also available for use.
Incubator Listserv
If you have information to share, or if you'd like to join our Incubator Listserv for those involved in the development or administration of an incubator or similar program, email Briana Morris.
National Demographics
Click here to view some national figures as of 6/15/2018.