About Us
The mission of the Standing Committee on Delivery of Legal Services is to maximize access to legal services and justice for moderate-income people - those who do not qualify for legal aid or pro bono assistance, yet who do not have the discretionary income to access traditional legal services. This mission is pursued through four goals:
- Identifying, evaluating and advancing innovative and exemplary models and developing mechanisms designed to meet the legal needs of moderate-income persons within the marketplace of legal commerce;
- Researching and identifying the scope, dynamics and impact of the unmet legal needs of moderate-income people;
- Reaching out to the legal community and encouraging the ABA, other bar associations and stakeholders to actively respond to the unmet legal needs of those of moderate incomes; and
- Identifying policies, rules and laws that have an impact on access to legal services for those of moderate income; advancing those that create improved access to meet legal needs; and identifying, debating and challenging those that create barriers.