Books and Book Chapters
Melissa Ventrone, “Small Firms and Sole Practitioners,” Chapter 9 in The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook, Third Ed. (Cybersecurity Legal Task Force 2022)
"The ABA Cybersecurity Handbook is a vital desk-side resource to help lawyers understand the nature of the threat, protect their practices and their clients' confidential information and intellectual property, and comply with ever-changing legal rules." - Reggie Turner, Past President, ABA
Vendor Contracting Project: Cybersecurity Checklist, Second Edition (Cybersecurity Legal Task 2021)
The Lawyer's Guide to Office Automation: Tools and Strategies to Improve Your Firm and Your Life (Law Practice Division 2023)
A Practical Guide to Cyber Insurance for Businesses (Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section 2022)
D&O Guide to Cyber Governance: Fiduciary Duties in the Digital Age (Business Law Section 2021)
Protecting Against Cyber Threats: A Lawyer's Guide to Choosing a Cyber Liability Insurance Policy, Second Edition (Standing Committee on Lawyers' Professional Liability 2020)