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Civil Rights and Social Justice Section Policy

Working to advance Association policy on issues on individual rights, civil rights, human rights, civil liberties, and social justice.

Section Sponsored Policy

The Section offers policy and legislative advocacy opportunities through the development of reports with resolutions, comments to proposed rule-making, blanket authority statements, white papers, letters to federal, state and local government and more.

Recent Policies

The CRSJ Policy Project

A leader in the development of ABA policy, the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice seeks to update, revise, or plug gaps in existing ABA policies, or to formulate new ones, to ensure we advance our agenda of equality, diversity and justice for all. The Section relies on ABA policies to produce programs, develop commentary on administration actions, submit amicus briefs, draft congressional testimony, and urge the ABA to act on pressing issues of public policy. To facilitate this work, the Section has categorized all current ABA policy, with links to each resolution and report, by subject matter corresponding to the Section’s 22 substantive committees.

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ABA Policymaking: Civil Rights and Social Justice Style

This presentation explains the development of ABA policy within the Section - from inception to implementation. Heard directly from Section Delegates, Estelle H. Rogers and Mark I. Schickman, they detail everything you need to know about enacting ABA policy - choosing an issue, drafting a resolution and report, receiving approval from the Section Council, organizing support from other entities, choosing speakers, and preparing for the House of Delegates session.

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Brief Guide to Drafting and Submitting Resolutions for the ABA House of Delegates

CRSJ members can learn the process for submitting a Section sponsor resolution to the ABA House of Delegates.

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ABA House of Delegates Policy Resources ABA House of Delegates
Section Policy

CRSJ Policy Implementation Initiative

The mission of the Sections Policy Implementation Initiative is to support the advocacy of the Sections leadership in support of adoption of civil rights and social justice policy and legislation at multiple levels.

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