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Your Money's No Good Here: Source of Income Discrimination in Housing

Alison Bell, Scott Crain, Demetria McCain, Philip Tegeler, Jill Williams, Melinda Woods, and Antonia Fasanelli

Source of Income (SOI) discrimination has long plagued low-income individuals seeking housing. Many that are forced to pay rent with government vouchers, veteran’s benefits, social security payments and the like are often denied housing by landlords as a pretext for prohibited discrimination based on race, disability, national origin and more. SOI discrimination contributes to concentrations of poverty, homelessness, and racial segregation in housing. Recent momentum, including the passage of a state-wide SOI discrimination ban in Washington state, as well as the recent introduction of federal bills seeking to do the same nationally, shows that we are at a pivotal point in the fight to stop SOI discrimination. This webinar discusses advocacy strategies for capitalizing on this momentum to pass SOI anti-discrimination laws at the local, state and federal levels.

Your Money's No Good Here: Part 2 – Enforcing Source of Income Anti-Discrimination Laws
