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Taxes and Debt: Uniform Debt Collection Default Judgments Act

Judith Fox, David E. Reid, Erika J. Rickard, and Kaitlin D. Wolff

Numerous studies report that default judgments are entered in more than half of all debt collection actions. This panel discusses trends and policy development in the debt collection space and will address the forthcoming Uniform Debt Collection Default Judgments Act, a uniform act designed to provide consumer debtors with access to information needed to understand claims being asserted against them and identify available defenses; advise consumers of the adverse effects of failing to raise defenses or seek the voluntary settlement of claims; and make consumers aware of assistance that may be available from legal aid organizations.


This panel was a part of CRSJ’s hybrid Economic Justice Summit — held on March 30-31, 2023 — the Section held its Economic Justice Summit at the Georgetown University Law Center. Continuing with CRSJ’s 22-23 Bar Year theme of economic justice, this two-day Summit convened lawyers, activists, policymakers, and key stakeholders to formulate policy solutions to our country’s most critical economic disparities and devise strategies to implement such policy solutions.

Day 1

Day 2

Thank You to our Partners

Summit Supporters: Truist, Georgetown University Law Center, DC Bar, American Tax Policy Institute, ABA Section of Taxation, Hip Hop Caucus, Francine J. Lipman & James E. Williamson, Gwendolyn Keyes Fleming

Summit Co-Sponsors: ABA Business Law Section, ABA Center for Public Interest Law, ABA Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, ABA Criminal Justice Section, ABA Forum on Affordable Housing and Community Development Law, ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, ABA Young Lawyers Division