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Reproductive Coercion and Survivor’s Lived Experiences in a Post-Dobbs World

Karla George, Marium Durrani, and Sara Ainsworth

Access to reproductive healthcare, including abortion care, is a lifeline for many survivors of intimate partner violence. With the demise of Roe, the current legal landscape has offered abusive partners more tools for controlling their partners’ reproductive lives.  A new report by the National Domestic Violence Hotline, in collaboration with If/When/How, discusses the lived experiences of survivors who are at the intersection of intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion. Join us in a conversation with advocates and experts about the report’s findings, and how federal and state approaches to addressing intimate partner violence have enabled further abuse in this rapidly changing and challenging legal landscape for survivors.

This presentation is the fourth installment in a multi-part In Conversation Series focused on the ABA's Reproductive Rights Initiative.

Co-Sponsors: ABA Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence, Center for Reproductive Rights,  Santa Clara County Bar Association’s Women Lawyers Section
