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Your Money's No Good Here: Part 2 – Enforcing Source of Income Anti-Discrimination Laws

Diane Houk, Tyler Graber, Swati Prakash, Mindy Woods, and Dave Pringle

Housing discrimination based on source of income (SOI) continues to be an insidious form of discrimination perpetuating housing segregation based on race, disability and income, as well as homelessness, in the US.  In 2017, the American Bar Association House of Delegates adopted a Resolution urging all governments to ban SOI discrimination and as of 2023, 18 states and over 100 municipalities ban some form of discrimination based on SOI in housing.  This webinar covers enforcement of SOI laws, building on Part 1 - Your Money's No Good Here: Source of Income Discrimination in Housing (a 2018 webinar), which covered advocacy to advance SOI laws at the state and local levels.
