In the U.S., court hearings are generally public. This was intended to ensure that justice was administered in the open and with public knowledge. But, most people have never been inside of a courtroom, and their perceptions of what happens in court too often come from television or movies. Court-watching programs ensure scrutiny and evaluation. They serve to highlight the realities of our legal system by recording data, uncovering stories, identifying trends, and highlighting problems. Further, by presenting observations and findings to policymakers and the public, court-watching programs can drive reform. This webinar looks at court-watching programs across the United States, discussing their purpose, organization, and impact.
- ABA Court Watching webpage
- ABA Court Watching reports
- New Mexico: Punishing the Poor: An Assessment of the Administration of Fines and Fees in New Mexico Misdemeanor Courts (February 2023)
- Nashville, TN: Denial of the Right to Counsel in Misdemeanor Courts (August 2017)
- CourtWatch PG – Prince George’s County
- Davis Vanguard CourtWatch