I want to personally thank my friend Jennifer Weddle, Past President of the National Native American Bar Association, for leading our fundraising committee this year. Jennifer and her team have done a tremendous job by helping our Section meet its fundraising goals in order for us to continue to provide the important and relevant programming we offer throughout the bar year. It’s not too late to purchase your tickets and to be a sponsor. Please visit the Annual Meeting registration portal to buy a ticket or review our Prospectus to become a sponsor. I hope you will join us for a wonderful evening of celebration!
This summer, those of us in the education and civil rights community are also bracing for the Supreme Court’s ruling in two affirmative action cases (see the ABA’s amicus brief). The two cases involve Harvard University and the University of North Carolina. In both, the issue is whether the two schools can employ admissions policies that consider race as one of several factors consistent with the Court’s past decisions, including its 2003 ruling in Grutter v. Bollinger. By a 5-4 vote in Grutter, the Court held that the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit a law school’s narrowly tailored use of race in admissions decisions. However, many believe similar to how the Court ruled last summer in Dobbs, overturning Roe v. Wade, that the Court will use these two cases to overturn Grutter thus banning the use of race in admission decisions.
Finally, this summer we are not going to say “goodbye,” but say, “until we see you again” to a member of our Section’s staff, Ruchika Sharma. Ruchika will be attending law school this Fall and is leaving us later this month. She has been an important and invaluable member of our team and she will be sincerely missed. We look forward to Ruchika returning to the ABA and our Section as a law student member and then as a new lawyer after she graduates. We wish her well and thank her for her service to our Section.
So, it’s going to be a busy summer. After you join us in our work and support the Section’s programs and events, please enjoy your summer and we hope to see you at Annual.