Defining Climate Migrants
Neither the United States nor international law currently provides a universally accepted definition of climate migrants. The genesis of the contested legal terminology comes, in part, from the late 1980s when the United Nations Environment Programme referred to people who are forced to leave their community of origin because the land can no longer support them as environmental refugees. In fact, many commentators disagree with the use of the term “refugee,” preferring climate-displaced persons or climate migrants. However, the term “migrant” is problematic because it implies choice where there is none. The terminology is contested, where existing definitions carry both legal and historical meaning. Displacement resulting from climate change can be defined as an individual or group of people compelled to leave their habitual place of residence or unable to return due to the adverse effects of climate change, environmental degradation, or natural disasters.
It is important to note that the concept of forced climate migration implies a causal link between climate change and displacement. Nevertheless, forced climate migration solely through legal or international frameworks is complex. Many scholars and advocates argue for the creation of a separate legal status outside the refugee definition. Any creation of a definition will require international cooperation and engagement to establish a comprehensive framework to address the unique challenges faced by climate-induced migrants.
Addressing Humanitarian Needs
The United States offers several protective mechanisms to address the humanitarian needs of individuals in danger or forcibly displaced from their home countries or countries where they habitually reside if they are stateless. For individuals inside the United States who cannot return to their countries because of climate displacement, TPS is the closest option available. TPS is a temporary immigration status provided to nationals of specifically designated countries that are confronting an ongoing armed conflict, environmental disaster, or extraordinary and temporary conditions. In the absence of protection, U.S. asylum lawyers have begun to present arguments that asylum seekers are a particular social group under the Refugee Act. Notably, for the first time on July 1, 2024, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit denied a climate change-focused asylum claim in Cruz Galicia v. Garland, No. 23-1910 (1st Cir. July 1, 2024), holding that “climate refugees” did not constitute a particular social group for lack of social distinction.
Nearly every country with an individualized asylum system has a complementary protection regime as part of its adjudication process. Countries that have systems in place for processing asylum claims also often have in place a complementary protection regime for those who do not qualify for asylum under traditional criteria but still need protection from harm. This safety net is in place for those not meeting specific criteria for asylum but who are unable to return to their home due to some unlisted significant threat and need protection.
The Need for a Protective Framework
In 2021, the Biden administration recognized the inevitability and scale of expected climate-induced migration, the need for a protection framework to address it, and the importance of U.S. leadership efforts to mitigate climate impacts in the Report on Impact of Climate Change on Migration. The report was significant because it was the first time the U.S. government formally recognized climate migration as a humanitarian concern warranting international collaboration to address the growing issue. The report, however, did not contain many specific recommendations.
In 2022, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA18) introduced the seventh version of the Refugee Protection Act, which updated U.S. practices toward asylum seekers and refugees, including protections for climate-displaced individuals. In other words, it offered an affirmative and comprehensive framework for addressing forced climate-related displacement.
Best Practices for Advocating for Clients
While there is currently no formal protection in the United States available for individuals who have fled their countries due to forced climate displacement, attorneys who represent these individuals who have been displaced should be trained on best practices so they can better advocate for their clients within the existing immigration framework. The American Bar Association Commission on Immigration’s mission is to direct the association’s efforts “to ensure fair treatment and full due process rights for immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees within the United States.” The Commission’s draft resolution on climate migration, which it plants to submit for consideration by the ABA House of Delegates at the 2025 Midyear Meeting, recommends the U.S. government take the following actions:
- U.S. Congress adopt laws that provide permanent and complementary immigration pathways and visas for individuals who are forced to leave their habitual home and need to relocate temporarily or permanently to the U.S. due to climate-induced displacement or natural disasters and who do not otherwise qualify for protection.
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) adopt policies that expand access to relief for climate migrants such as Temporary Protected Status, Deferred Enforced Departure, humanitarian parole, and protection-based claims.
- U.S. government support vulnerable countries and communities in their efforts to rapidly scale up prevention and preparedness measures to avert, minimize, and address climate-related displacement.
Consistent with the Biden administration’s 2021 climate migration report, the United States should serve as a leader among nations, international bodies, NGOs, and others across the globe to define, anticipate, plan, and provide a framework to protect climate refugees as part of our ongoing international climate justice cooperation and engagement. Together with legal and other humanitarian experts across the globe, the world must establish a comprehensive framework to address the unique challenges faced by climate-induced migrants.