Introduction: Technology and the Law
A special issue and retrospective to assess the challenges and benefits technology offers, especially in connection with social justice and equality.
Volume 49, Issue 4
A special issue and retrospective to assess the challenges and benefits technology offers, especially in connection with social justice and equality.
The government enlists many of the biggest corporate names in U.S. technology and communications to collect enormous amounts of Americans' international communications, including texts, emails, phone…
Without a federal comprehensive data privacy law, the apps and services we use daily can collect, analyze, and monetize every data point about us with little oversight.
Repressive regimes have used spyware to surveil and intimidate dissidents, activists, journalists, and political opposition figures around the world, violating a host of human rights in the process.
The rise of digital open-source information, digital reconstructions, and generative artificial intelligence is helping to communicate the who, what, when, where, and how of atrocities worldwide.
COVID-19 exposed the digital divide, where those with broadband access could work, go to school, shop, and see doctors from home while those lacking access had few options.
Lawmakers, enforcement agencies, and civil rights and consumer rights attorneys have ramped up efforts to examine the pitfalls of artificial intelligence and its role in decision-making across differ…
Illinois Legal Aid Online and the "Get Legal Help" platform can bridge the access-to-justice gap by connecting those seeking legal services to appropriate legal aid organizations.
A firm's journey in taking on Amazon to stop distributing and permanently ban sodium nitrate from its platform.
The Americans with Disabilities Act's silence on the right to web accessibility has created a circuit split but several proposed bills could drastically improve the digital landscape for disabled peo…
The Civil Rights and Social Justice Section set out to better understand the impact of artificial intelligence on low-income and other marginalized individuals and communities to help support ABA mem…
Remote courtroom hearings allow low-income clients to attend hearings from any location, thus saving transportation, childcare, and other costs.
The American Bar Association Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence addresses the legal challenges of AI, the impact of AI on the practice of law, and related ethical implications.
Librarians, library support staff, and library trustees have become targets of legislation to criminalize the dissemination of books and other reading material.