Note from the Editorial Board
The CRSJ Human Rights Editorial Board shares an update on the recent release of a Special Issue on Combating Antisemitism, selected by CRSJ leadership in furtherance of the new ABA Task Force.
Volume 50
The CRSJ Human Rights Editorial Board shares an update on the recent release of a Special Issue on Combating Antisemitism, selected by CRSJ leadership in furtherance of the new ABA Task Force.
This issue of Human Rights acknowledges antisemitism as an ancient and living conspiracy theory that adapts to new situations. Lawyers must act to interrupt antisemitism and empower bystanders to sup…
Given the borderless nature of the internet, combating online antisemitism requires international cooperation to mitigate the spread of hate speech and its real-world consequences.
Campus administrators must condemn antisemitism and treat it the same way as racism or other forms of hatred, as harassment or actions that create a hostile environment violate Title VI and must be d…
Antisemitism can infect lawyers’ work by lowering their inhibitions against antisemitic speech, deranging their legal analysis concerning Jews, and distorting litigation strategies used to defend Jew…
Contrary to the antisemitic assertion that all Jews are white, the Jewish community is global and incredibly diverse, bringing a rich array of cultures, languages, and traditions.
To stand in solidarity with another group of people whose plight does not directly affect one’s own well-being and causes one group to see themselves in the struggles and concerns of another group re…
As the only Jewish woman currently serving in the U.S. Senate, Senator Rosen has made it a priority to ensure meaningful, immediate, bipartisan action is taken to address the concerning surge in anti…
As the son of a Holocaust survivor, Elisha Wiesel knows that denial is an act of violence not only against survivors but also against the dead.
The LGBTQ community prides itself on its radically inclusive nature because members have historically been excluded from all facets of public life; however, queer Jews are learning that for them, acc…
The persistence of antisemitism through most of recorded history is an achievement as astonishing as Jewish survival and has even managed to outwit its most formidable challenge, the Holocaust.
The ABA Task Force to Combat Antisemitism aims to raise awareness of antisemitism as an epidemic, ensuring that the public—including civic leaders, legislators, and law enforcement—recognize its enor…
Antisemitism has become politicized in American society, with members of each party and ideology often willing to give their own side a pass and exaggerating allegations of antisemitism directed at p…
Dueling suits have been filed against universities by pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students, alleging a failure to provide a hostile-free campus environment and specific violations of free speech r…
Raising the standard for undue hardship under Groff v. DeJoy empowers employees to seek religious accommodations more effectively while guiding employers to balance these requests without incurring a…
We honor Rabbi David Saperstein as this issue’s Human Rights Hero for his work on behalf of America’s Jewish community and his advocacy for protecting the religious freedom of all, in America and acr…
To meaningfully combat antisemitism in the modern era, we must do a significantly better job of studying how salient events, conspiracy, and the dissolution of truth can be disaggregated and what int…