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The ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice is proud to launch the 21-Day Practice on Combating Antisemitism. The current movement for equality in America provides an opportunity for us to consider how we — as individuals, as lawyers, and as a Section — are meeting this moment. In the face of rising antisemitic violence and expression, accompanied by an inability at virtually every point on the political spectrum to recognize manifestations of antisemitism for what they are, there are critical questions that must be asked: Are we moving on with our daily lives, or are we willing to grow in our knowledge and understanding to help shape our profession and the larger society? What responsibility do we bear—as lawyers and as citizens?

It is with these thoughts in mind that the Section is sharing some resources and an opportunity for members to participate in a 21-Day Practice on Combating Antisemitism, which is being held at a particularly appropriate time, the annual observance of May as Jewish American Heritage Month.

The “21- Day Challenge©” was conceived several years ago by diversity expert Eddie Moore, Jr. to advance deeper understandings of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy and oppression. Other ABA groups have undertaken similar 21-Day Challenges, including the Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Council, the Labor and Employment Law Section, and the Judicial Division.

ABA Policy Addressing Antisemitism

In February 2023, the ABA House of Delegates adopted a policy condemning antisemitism during the 2023 ABA Midyear Meeting.

The Goal of the Practice

The goal of the 21-Day Practice is for each of us to augment our awareness, empathy, compassion and determination to stand for religious freedom. It transcends our roles as lawyers. Non-lawyers are also welcome to participate.

How it Works

This is completely voluntary to do, and participation in the Practice shall not be construed as agreement with every word of every assignment nor a commitment by any person to a particular professional position or strategy. Further, participants are free to opt-out of participating along the way. There is no grade at the end of the Practice. While it is not the intention of the Practice to cause offense, some participants may be offended by some language or images used in the lessons.

The Practice invites participants to complete a syllabus of 21 daily, short assignments (typically taking 15-30 minutes), over 21 work days, that includes readings, videos, or podcasts. The assignments seek to expose participants to perspectives on elements of the Jewish American experience, including perspectives on Jewish history, identity and culture, and the experience of antisemitic bias in America, there are assignments that focus on the unique experience of Jewish lawyers in America, as well as assignments that explore how lawyers of all backgrounds can and must share in the work of recognizing and responding to the history and continuing reality of antisemitism. This syllabus is but an introduction to what we hope will be a rewarding journey that extends far beyond the limits of this project.


The opinions expressed in these resources are those of the authors. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of the American Bar Association or Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice. The resources listed in this syllabus and the presentation of material therein do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the American Bar Association or Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice. Content Warning: Videos and podcasts may include strong language and may not be suitable for some viewers. Viewer and listener discretion is advised.

21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge is the registered copyright of America & Moore, LLC. 2014.

Day 1 | What is Antisemitism?

  1. How does this challenge your existing understanding of what antisemitism is?
  2. Examine how antisemitism is different from and similar to other forms of hate.
  3. Looking at the Berkeley source, how have the manifestations of antisemitism evolved?

Day 2 | Alarming Rise in Antisemitic Activity

  1. Have you personally experienced antisemitism? What did that look like?
  2. Have you noticed instances of antisemitism in your community?
  3. How does the rise in antisemitism impact how Jews express themselves publicly (such as wearing head coverings, traditional clothing, religious jewelry) or by acknowledging that a connection to Israel is part of their essential identity?

Day 3 | Historical Manifestations of Antisemitism

  1. How have Jews been affected by antisemitism? What impact does antisemitism have on others?
  2. What is scapegoating and why have Jews been historically used as scapegoats?

Day 4 | Religious Roots of Antisemitism

  1. How have the justifications for antisemitism changed over the centuries?
  2. What are the dangers of the philosemitism of the Christian Right?
  3. What are modern forms of religiously based antisemitism?

Day 5 | Modern Manifestations of Antisemitism

  1. How has antisemitism moved beyond its religious and racial manifestations?
  2. What is behind the rise in antisemitism?
  3. What modern triggers for antisemitism have you observed or experienced?

Day 6 | When is Anti-Zionism Antisemitism?

  1. How is antisemitism distinguished from anti-Zionism?
  2. How can we distinguish antisemitism from legitimate criticism of the Israeli government and its policies?
  3. Why are double standards, delegitimization, and demonization symptoms and hallmarks of antisemitism?

Day 7 | Holocaust Denial and Distortion

  1. Aside from Holocaust denial, what other conspiracy theories are gaining momentum? Why do you think this is happening?
  2. How can we confront Holocaust deniers and the spread of dangerous conspiracy theories?
  3. Can you identify parallels between the current rise in antisemitism and the rise of antisemitism before the Holocaust?

Day 8 | Are Jews White?

  1. How might Jews from different backgrounds answer the question, “Are Jews white”?
  2. Does the characterization of Jews as “white” negate the historical experience of Jews?
  3. How does the American power structure factor into the discussion of the perception of Jewish whiteness?
  4. How does the ability of many Jews to pass for white affect antisemitic attitudes within both the minority and the white supremacist communities?

Day 9 | Is Antisemitism Racism?

  1. Why is antisemitism a central feature of white supremacist movements?
  2. How do you see antisemitism and other forms of racism intersecting?
  3. How can Black and Jewish movements work together to fight all forms of racism, including antisemitism?

Day 10 | Understanding Jews of Color

  1. What do discussions about race in the Jewish community say about perceptions of Jewish people?
  2. What are the special challenges faced by Jews of color as they confront both antisemitism and other forms of racism?
  3. How do Mizrahi and Sephardi Jews, who constitute the majority of the state of Israel, fit into the category of “Jews of color”?

Day 11 | Antisemitism on the Right and the Left

  1. What are the implications of the fact that people on different sides of the political spectrum are prone to finding antisemitism only on the other side?
  2. Why is antisemitism a feature of both the right and the left?
  3. Is there a difference between antisemitism on the right and the left?

Day 12 | Antisemitism, Social Media, and the Demise of Truth

  1. How do media depictions of Jews contribute to antisemitic views?
  2. What is the proper balance between “free speech” and “hate speech”?
  3. Are social media efforts to exclude hate speech consistent with free speech protections, which extend even to hate speech?
  4. How do celebrities like Ye and Kyrie Irving drive antisemitism?

Day 13 | "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do nothing."

  1. How does it magnify the psychological harm caused by antisemitism when discrimination against Jews is not recognized or remedied like other forms of prejudice and hate?
  2. When and how should we confront rhetoric and actions that others Jews by associating support for the existence of Israel with racism?

Day 14 | Antisemitism on Campus: Fear, Exclusion and Discrimination

  1. Is the effort to exclude Jewish students from civil rights movements and activities if they fail to disown an intrinsic part of their identity similar to efforts to keep members of other historically disadvantaged groups “in the closet?”
  2. Zionism is an essential or important part of the religious identity of more than 80% of Jews. Is exclusion of Zionists an act of religious discrimination?

Day 15 | Antisemitism and the First Amendment

  1. Is it a threat to free speech to condemn antisemitism?
  2. Does protection of free speech mean that student groups should be empowered to adopt a standard that has the effect of excluding more than 80% of members of a protected class?
  3. Should campuses be zones of free expression for any political or religious belief?

Day 16 | Antisemitism and School Curricula

  1. Can one have an inclusive ethnic studies curriculum which fails to address, or which denigrates, Jewish identity and antisemitism?
  2. Should academic freedom protect an educator who teaches material that defames or disparages members of a minority or faith community?
  3. Should an educator be permitted to publicly make racist or antisemitic comments or actions on a school platform? Or on their private platforms?

Day 17 | Antisemitism in Employment

  1. Have you experienced or observed antisemitism at work?
  2. How does workplace antisemitism manifest itself?
  3. In what ways can you support your Jewish colleagues facing antisemitism?
  4. Is the failure to provide an accommodation for a Jewish religious practice necessarily antisemitic? Can it be?

Day 18 | Antisemitism in the Legal Profession

  1. Have you experienced or noticed instances of antisemitism, or failure to accommodate religious practice or belief, in the courtroom or other legal setting?
  2. Does your workplace have safeguards/procedures in place to confront antisemitism or failure to accommodate religious practice or belief?
  3. What can the Jewish and Black legal communities learn from their common experience of having once been excluded from prominent law firms?

Day 19 | International Antisemitism

  1. Does antisemitism manifest differently in the United States as compared to Europe?
  2. Studies show that over 80% of people in the Middle East and North Africa harbor antisemitic attitudes. Is that a solvable problem?
  3. Should responses to antisemitism differ based on the historical background and approaches to free speech of different countries? 
  4. Is America’s founding tradition of freedom of religion account for the relatively lower percentage of antisemitic attitudes and incidents in the United States?

Day 20 | Antisemitism and Allyship: How to Combat Antisemitism

  1. How can lawyers, law students, jurists and lay people call out and fight antisemitism?
  2. In what ways can I “stop the spread” of antisemitism?
  3. How can I be an ally to the Jewish community?
  4. Bigotry and hate-crime often counts on the apathy and non-action of bystanders; how do we empower and mobilize bystanders in the fights against antisemitism?

Day 21 | Where Do We Go From Here?

  1. How can I implement these tools to fight antisemitism, personally?
  2. How can I incorporate tools to combat antisemitism in my professional setting?
  3. Can I introduce these ideas to my faith community?
  4. With whom can I partner to combat antisemitism?

Join the Section!

The Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice (CRSJ) is the only ABA membership entity dedicated to the advancement of human rights, civil liberties, and social justice. Through its activities and publications, the Section nurtures a sense of responsibility on the part of lawyers, both personally and professionally, to help ensure equality of justice for all. Whatever your area of specialization, CRSJ has a place for you. By joining us today, you can help ensure that the world’s largest voluntary professional association continues to uphold the Bill of Rights and the ideals it embodies.