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Winter 2002 - September 11

Volume 29 Issue 1  

Featured Articles

Civil Rights & Constitution

Crisis Mode: Information Dissemination During Times of Conflict

Throughout our history, communications and marketing efforts have played an integral (if often concealed) role during times of conflict and crisis. Leaders necessarily tried to persuade both domestic and international audiences, while carefully monitoring the release of sensitive information about military intelligence, strategy, and tactical operations. The present conflict—this "war on terrorism"—while well short of a war is different only in public awareness of the strategy.

Civil Rights & Constitution

Civil Liberties in a Time of Crisis

The terrorist attacks of September 11 represented a quantum leap in the deadliness and audacity of terror. They revealed a vulnerability that many in the United States had never before appreciated. And they spurred adoption of many sound initiatives to better prevent terrorism. Unfortunately, they also triggered a startling surrender of fundamental democratic principles in an attempt to purchase enhanced security—an effort that is not only constitutionally unsound but also likely to be counterproductive.

Civil Rights & Constitution

Civil Liberties and Human Rights in the Aftermath of September 11

Although much of the concern over managing the tension between liberty and security in response to the recent terrorist attacks has been focused on the anti-terrorism bills and the resulting USA Patriot Act (Patriot Act) adopted in late fall 2001, the issues presented by the new statute are less significant than the civil liberties issues resting entirely within the discretion of the executive branch.