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With the Support of

The German Marshall Fund of the United States

Thank you to the German Marshall Fund of the United States for jointly presenting the 2020 US Elections Aftermath: A Social Justice Policy Summit.

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Thank You to Our Co-Sponsors!

Thank you to the ABA Center for Human Rights, the ABA Coalition on Racial and Ethnic Justice, the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty, the ABA Commission on Hispanic Legal Rights & Responsibilities, the ABA Commission on Immigration, the ABA Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, the ABA Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipeline, the ABA Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division, the ABA Section of State and Local Government Law, the ABA Standing Committee on Gun Violence, and the ABA Standing Committee on Pro Bono and Public Service for co-sponsoring the 2020 US Elections Aftermath: A Social Justice Policy Summit.

Structural Racism is Killing Us. Now What? | ON-DEMAND

The pandemic’s effect on marginalized racial, ethnic, and religious communities was exacerbated by - while concurrently worsening - minority socioeconomic status, health conditions, living conditions, and related inequities. The public health crisis not only created enhanced awareness about these social inequities, but it also revealed the potentially lethal consequences of structural discrimination, particularly among Black, Latinx, and indigenous populations.

Policy Recommendations:

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Defund the Police? Dismantle the US Department of Homeland Security? Let’s Discuss Policy Approaches to Institutional Reform | ON-DEMAND

From law enforcement abuses in Portland, Oregon to institutionalized violence in immigration detention facilities, public demands for institutional reform have included calls to defund local police forces, abolish US Immigration and Customs Enforcement and dismantle the US Department of Homeland Security in its entirety. In response, some elected officials have responded with legislation that would effectively “defund the cities that defund the police”. But, what does it all mean? Experts will identify, describe, and contextualize emerging trends in institutionalized violence. They will also assess recent legislative proposals on merit and discuss practical policy solutions that ensure safety for all.

Policy Recommendations:

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Hate Crimes are Growing More Violent: Realities, Challenges, Remedies | ON-DEMAND

From prejudicial attitudes about racial, ethnic, and religious minority groups to verbal threats and physical assaults directed against them, the coronavirus crisis exacerbated interpersonal and individual-level discrimination in myriad contexts. Commonly scapegoated as carriers, for example, physical attacks and verbal harassment against Asian-Americans are now rampant. They are not the only minority community to experience the violent effects of social, political, and cultural othering, however.

Policy Recommendations:

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Do Minority Citizens (And Non-Citizens) Still Have Privacy Rights? | ON-DEMAND

From federal surveillance of social movements to facial recognition technology that results in inordinately high false positives for certain demographic groups to tracking the social media activities of immigrant rights advocates, recent surveillance trends have deep historical roots and troubling future implications not only for traditionally marginalized group interests but core constitutional values, democratic principles and the rule of law. This panel considers related trends, relevant laws, and needed reform.

Policy Recommendations:

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Our Country is Full. True or False? | ON-DEMAND

In addition to individual-level and structural discrimination, the coronavirus crisis inspired institutionalized discrimination - laws, policies, and practices excluding immigrants and other perceived cultural, racial, and ethnic outsiders. Last April, for instance, the UN warned that the United States was using the pandemic to summarily expel asylum seekers. As part of a long-term strategy to slow the influx of newcomers, President Donald Trump has implemented additional restrictions. He also falsely claimed that the construction of a barrier wall on the border with Mexico will prevent further infections.

Policy Recommendations:

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Pro-Tip: Antiracist Allyship | ON-DEMAND

In the struggle against racism, xenophobia, and intolerance, we should avoid false divisions such as white people versus black people, Jews versus Muslims, and minority groups versus the majority population. Rather, all should work together to root out anti-black racism, anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and other forms of bigotry. Any group experience with discrimination sets a negative precedent and threatens equality for everyone. This panel explores best practices for individuals, communities, and institutions to serve as effective allies.

Policy Recommendations:

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In order to serve and provide resources to our Section members, the greater ABA, and the general public, the ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice presents a variety of webinars highlighting critical legal issues of civil liberties, human rights, and social justice.