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Pay Equity Webinar Series

About the Webinar Series

The CRSJ Rights of Women Committee has planned a series of webinars to follow-up to the successful “Sexual Harassment in the Workplace” webinar series. 

The series entitled “Beyond Pay Equity” will focus on pay equity for women and minorities, its contributing factors, and current efforts to combat pay discrimination.  The program will be a multi-part webinar series including a CLE In the City program hosted at the 2019 ABA Annual Meeting in San Francisco. 

Inside the Asian American Pacific Islander Women’s Pay Gap: Legislative Approaches and Proactive Measures of Employers

March 5, 2019 was Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) women’s equal pay day. This marks the day in the new year to which AAPI women overall must work to earn what white, non-Hispanic men on average earned in 2018.  AAPI women earn just 85 cents to every dollar earned by white, non-Hispanic men. The average wage gaps in several AAPI ethnic subgroups are even larger. For instance, Hmong and Cambodian women earn on average just 59 and 62 cents to the dollar, respectively.

On March 4, 2019, CRSJ presented this webinar co-hosted by the ABA Rights of Women Committee of the Section for Civil Rights and Social Justice, the Equal Pay Today Campaign and Equal Rights Advocates addressing the causes of and contributors to the pay gap, the toll that these lost earnings take on families, communities and the economy as a whole, and legislative approaches to closing the wage gap. The webinar also highlighted the steps that some employers are taking to uncover and remedy pay disparities and implement proactive measures to ensure gender and racial equity throughout their companies.


  •  Maya Raghu, National Women’s Law Center 
  • Sung Yeon Choimorrow, National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum
  • Sue Hahm Walker, Vice President & Associate General Counsel, Global Labor & Employment, Salesforce
  • Jessica Stender, Equal Rights Advocates (Moderator)

View a recording of the webinar here →