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September 29, 2022 2022 FALL COUNCIL MEETING

Housing Policy to Combat Modern Exclusionary Practices

Three panelists steeped in the history of fair housing share their knowledge of modern-day exclusionary zoning and government spending practices that have the redlining effect outlawed by the Fair Housing Act. History Professor Jennifer Thomson kicks off the discussion with her analysis of infrastructure spending by the Environmental Protection Agency since the 1970s and its unjust impacts on housing distribution. Allan Lazo shares his work as Executive Director of the Fair Housing Council of Oregon and the organization’s activities in recent years to shift the statewide zoning rules for housing along with BIPOC partners across the state. Finally, Edward Sullivan shares his recent advocacy on behalf of Housing Land Advocates to shape implementing regulations for Oregon's statewide middle housing statute and regional housing needs analysis policy, with an eye towards institutionalizing statewide affirmatively furthering fair housing concepts.

This panel was presented on Thursday, September 29, 2022, during the joint fall meeting of the American Bar Association's Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, State and Local Government Law Section, and Young Lawyers Division. This program is offered on-demand for viewing only and does not qualify for CLE credit in its recorded form.


  • Allan Lazo, Executive Director, Fair Housing Council of Oregon, and LCDC Commissioner
  • Edward J. Sullivan, Housing Land Advocates, Board Member
  • Jennifer Thomson, Associate Professor of History, NEH Chair in the Humanities, 2021-2024, Bucknell University


Joint Sponsors: ABA State and Local Government Law SectionABA Young Lawyers Division


CLE Resource Packet
Please note: only in-person attendees are eligible for CLE credit.

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