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Vote Your Voice Booth

The ABA relaunches its Lawyer as Citizen Initiative at the 2020 Midyear Meeting.

At the 2020 Midyear Meeting, the Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, the Standing Committee on Election Law, the Government and Public Sector Lawyers Division, the Governmental Affairs Office,  the Section of State and Local Government Law , and the Commission on the Nineteenth Amendment Commission sponsored a Vote Your Voice booth highlighting ABA election-related resources for meeting attendees to utilize during the 2020 election cycle. The booth -   located directly next to ABA registration - was wildly popular and received much acclaim from the meeting attendees.

The Booth was located next to general ABA registration and featured wide-ranging resources on voting and election protection.

The Booth was located next to general ABA registration and featured wide-ranging resources on voting and election protection.

The resources offered at the Vote Your Voice Booth were designed to provide members and non-members, from all levels of awareness, with the tools and information they need this election cycle.  The booth also re-launched the Standing Committee’s “Lawyer as Citizen” initiative, which encourages lawyers to serve as poll workers. The interactive features of the booth were featured alongside the opportunity to conduct video interviews, which featured current ABA President Judy Perry Martinez among others. with lawyers who have served as poll workers, and other activities.
