Other Events
A Welcome Reception at the National Center for Civil and Human Rights kicked off Section Chair Wendy Mariner's Initiative to Protect Fair Elections and Voting Rights - a major focus of the 2019-20 Bar Year. Section leadership and Council members also visited the Center's stunning museum dedicated to the American Civil Rights Movement and its contribution to the progress of human rights across the world.
Planning for the Future: A Focus on Membership and Development | The first day of meetings focused on plans to carry out the Section's mission. Guided by a well-known facilitator, members offered their visions for the Section, emphasizing what we can provide to our members and the resources necessary to achieve our civil rights and social justice goals. Please share your ideas with us here.
New Officer and Council Member Orientation | This orientation - organized for new Council and Committee leadership alike - provided insight for those new to the ABA or to the Section, covering a range of topics, including the structure and organization of the ABA and the Section, the development of ABA policy and advocacy materials, the Section's collaboration with other entities - such as the Fund for Justice & Education (FJE) and Media Relations, and the functionality of the website and Connect platform. Because of the incredibly positive feedback, Section staff plan to include this orientation as a regular Fall Meeting event.
Leadership Dinner | On Friday, the Section held a leadership dinner at Atlanta's historic Paschal's Restaurant. While savoring authentic, southern soul food, members learned the restaurant's rich history, dating back to 1947, recounted by Paschal's historian.
Business Meetings | The Section's Council held its Fall Meeting at the State Bar of Georgia to consider the important ongoing and future work of its 20 very active Committees, the reorganization of Section Divisions and Committees to enhance their visibility, current and proposed resolutions and reports, and future programming and publications. The next Council Meeting will be held at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Austin, Texas. Join us there to contribute to the important work of the Section.