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April 15, 2021 The Civil Rights Lawyer Webinar Series

The Civil Rights Lawyer: Staying Well While Doing Good

The goal of The Civil Rights Lawyer webinar series is to highlight the various career paths and lessons learned of lawyers working to advance civil rights and social justice. The third installment includes lawyers and former lawyers who are working or have worked in the areas of civil rights and social justice. They share their strategies and lessons learned for balancing health and wellness while advocating for civil rights and social justice.

Welcome and Introduction

  • Angela J. Scott, Federal Civil Rights Law Attorney; Chair, ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice


  • Tai Dixon, CEO and Principal Consultant, Tai D. Coaching and Consulting, Inc.
  • Dr. Diane Kern, Licensed Clinical Psychologist; Creator, Happy and Healthy U Learn to Love Life and Live Well Series
  • Titilayo Tinubu Ali, Senior Director of Research and Policy, Southern Education Foundation


  • Lindsay M. Harris, Associate Professor of Law, UDC David A. Clarke School of Law; Director, Immigration and Human Rights Clinic, UDC David A. Clarke School of Law

Co-Sponsors: ABA Law Student DivisionABA Young Lawyers Division


Presentation: Diane Kern

Transcript: The Civil Rights Lawyer: Staying Well While Doing Good

Asylum Attorney Burnout and Secondary Trauma

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